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Small pleasures?


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My boss is going on holiday for a couple of weeks in a few days times.


Just the though of going into work and being able to crack on without her annoying fucking Mrs. Doubtfire stubbly grid and her annoying as fuck Glasgee lilt getting on my wick is akin to lifting a dense fog of sarin.

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My boss is going on holiday for a couple of weeks in a few days times.


Just the though of going into work and being able to crack on without her annoying fucking Mrs. Doubtfire stubbly grid and her annoying as fuck Glasgee lilt getting on my wick is akin to lifting a dense fog of sarin.


Our old micro manager has been replaced by the polar opposite...a manager we rarely see and who leaves us to manage ourselves. The difference is just as you describe. Its just great

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today is the first day in (literally) months that I have absolutely NOTHING to do. No work, no chores, absolutely nowt.


Went out straight from work yesterday and sat in the pub by myself for an hour until our kid and my mates turned up. I got absolutely arseholed, can't remember getting home, don't care cos had a great time.


So, laid here on my bed listening to Louis Armstrong's "We Have All The Time In The World" and it really could not be any more apt. Just finished, now Shirley Bassey and "Diamonds Are Forever".


Got my phone turned off. Yeh, at this very moment I'm feeling truly blessed.

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