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Numero Veinticinco

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Posts posted by Numero Veinticinco

  1. 5 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

    Yeah then we can all have a good look at these nice new shiney left wing ideas that Numero mentioned but didn't give examples for.


    Good to know I'm now in charge of the entirety of left wing politics going forward because I posted a thing on a football forum. And yeah, 'tackling inequality' is definitely off the table. I want more inequality if anything. Kill the working class, that's my first left wing policy, because Gnasher typed something so reality has to adhere to it. 


    That's how it works when your head is like an empty washing machine that stinks of spunk. 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Nelly-Matip said:

    It’s more than just Corbyn. But, I suspect that you already know that. 

    And, why shouldn’t I “stick it to Labour” - otherwise known as (by other normal people) exercising your democratic right to vote for whoever you want based on your own politics and who best represents your interests - anyway?

    Parties have to earn the public’s vote. At this moment in time, Labour don’t appeal to me. I’m entitled to look elsewhere if I want to. Labour are going to piss the election. Stop getting over dramatic about a small amount of people wanting to move away from a centrist cult which they feel no longer represents them. 


    Yeah, that's fair enough. You absolutely have the freedom to vote for whichever party you like. I don't have that freedom, I can't mentally get over the fact we live in a FPTP system. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


    Yeah fair enough. He's certainly doing a good job of pissing a lot of people off. 


    That pledge to bring unity when elected seems a thousand years ago. Its a shame. We could have had and should have had a progressive centre left Labour party which was a broad church of people and ideas with everyone on board. That's been stolen.


    It now is a centre left party, one that's united. The people he's pissed off are the ones outside the party who only joined because of a left wing rebel. The position of the Labour party isn't determined by aggregate or by the average position when you add up all the positions of MPs, it's done by policies and political positions. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Nelly-Matip said:

    ou essentially just repeated your initial lie that people have to vote for Labour as they’re the only party who will help the downtrodden.


    Yes, the big lie that I said. Not the one you just made up that I never said. Edit: I'll say it now though. There's no other party that's going to unseat the Tories than Labour in the FPTP system. So voting against Labour... 


    6 minutes ago, Nelly-Matip said:

    And, you also continued with the illogical claim that people in “my area” not voting Labour would lead to a Tory government when, at worst, it would mean Labour winning one less seat and a slightly smaller majority than it appears that they’re going to get. 


    Read that again. It makes your first claim look fucking ridiculous. Well, even more ridiculous than it already did. 


    In the name of Corbyn, you stick it to Labour, you absolute hero.



    So, yes, very much “wibble.”


    Yeah, the smarted thing you said in the entire post was 'wibble'. Good for you. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Never understood the Keith thing, what’s it about?


    It's what the purist of pure left-wingers call Kier on Twitter because Kier Hardie was a socialist and Starmer ain't like no socialist I ever heard of (do they speak English in socialist?), they call him Keith. So cutting. Absolute fucking zinger, that one. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

    fair enough.

    From memory no one was expecting much in 2017 so to push them into a coalition government was sign of optimism for many.

    As for Corbyn, I mean you could write a book.Im 51 and in my life time I have never seen a politician get so much utter vitriol and hatred directed their way (and you had that venal cunt on the other side who was lauded as a patriotic toff) I think that’s where a lot of the defensiveness comes from.

    I’ve said before, I don’t think he would have been a great pm but quite frankly id had enough of Miliband meekly accepting what the Tories and the press threw at Labour.so Corbyn.to me at least what was a breath of fresh air.

    I think it was more of what he represented. There is a chunk of people who want real actual change and he did stand for that (which is why he was so utterly vilified).

    I personally thought the plan was for Corbyn to position the party as a true centre left option and get someone young and bright to take over.

    Obviously that didn’t happen and that 2019 result was a devestating blow     




    As strange as it may seem now, I defended Corbyn a lot on here (which let to me being called a cultist and somebody responding how I'm always there to defend him). The issue I have with the above is that I don't think he really did stand for real change. I don't think many knew Corbyn before he ran, at least beyond his name and knowledge he was of the left. For me, he is spoken about as if he really was a revolutionary with new ideas. He really wasn't; his manifesto was regurgitated old Labour thinking, and even then it was a bit of an imitation of it. I wanted new thinking and modern left wing policies. If your last two sentences were the case, I would have said it was all worth it. It's just that he was blown wherever people wanted him to go and we got nothing, there was very little decisive leadership. 


    BTW, there's a couple of things that they're looking to do now that's way more revolutionary and progressive than under the last leader. In my view, much of the left - and I'm only left by virtue of my beliefs (the thing that should denote your position), because I don't want to associate with what they've become - don't actually care about that. It's become tribal. When you've got supposed left wingers bragging they're voting against Labour because of Corbyn, in these times, in this crisis, then it really has eaten itself. The sooner the old left fall away and a new left can spring, the better it'll be. 

  7. Just now, Nelly-Matip said:

    You probably missed the bit where I said I live in a safe Labour seat. And, it’s not just Labour who have policies that help people. I mean, some might even have policies that go even further than freezing fuel bills at their current, already extortionate levels. 

    You sanctimonious prick. 


    Nah, I didn't miss it. I just chose the bit that was relevant to what I wanted to say. Hopefully everyone in your area thinks like you and we get a Tory government so that the needy suffer a bit more at the hands of the self-righteous cultist cunts like you who put their own ego and cultism before the country. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Nelly-Matip said:

    I wasn’t going to bother voting in the next general election. Now, I think I’ll actually vote against Labour. It won’t make any difference like as I’m in a safe Labour constituency. But, it’ll make me feel a bit better. 


    Indeed, you can rest knowing knowing you've tried your best to stick it to the people suffering out there who badly need help from Labour. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

    There are plenty of Labour MP's in safe seats unwilling to use their privileged position of being in a safe seat to stand up for the poor, the discriminated against, the disenfranchised, Corbyn was willing to do that ever since he got into parliament and before to be honest.


    When he was leader he inspired a new generation of voters to join the Labour Party, swelling the ranks more than they had been in a long time. This while facing constant brickbats from the right of the party, not to mention facing constant abuse by the MSM on an almost industrial scale.


    Don't get me started in the antisemitism bollocks thrown at him.


    I see Sir Keith has said that he won't be Labour's candidate in Islington North in the next election. OK Keith, you win, have your party, best of luck, but you'll lose even more backers from the left. If you're happy with that Keith, all power to you.


    If there were more Jeremy Corbyns and less Kier Starmers in the Labour Party, I probably wouldn't be voting green!


    Keith. Straight out Compton Twitter. 


    Enjoy your Green government. 

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