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Everything posted by Scott_M

  1. You know that secret in ingredient I put in that pasta we had an mine last Sunday............
  2. I was talking to my mate in Madrid and he came out with a beauty. Apparently one night out, he was walking home & saw this lass in a shop doorway. She was sat down and basically completely out of it. For some reason, he went over to her, whipped it out and took a piss on her. He finished up, put it away and went on his travels again. She was so bladdered she didn't reallty know what was going on & didn't say anything.
  3. Thats not the way I recall it. You were saying you'd let some bird shit in your mouth & the runnier the better.
  4. Hope everything is Ok. I've had a bad week but nothing like that. My Gran finds out if she's got lung cancer tomorrow. She had a lump cut out earlier in the month and gets the results tomorrow. Was awful seeing her the other week, she looked so scared.
  5. I loved this when I was at school. History was my favourite class anyway but this was head & shoulders the best subject we covered. Even now, I still read books on it & the cover up. Oliver Stones film was class too. Conspiracy theory for me. There is far too much wrong with the lone gunman theory.
  6. Thats funny because it's true.
  7. I have some stiffness in my legs after 4 games in 3 nights. I'll have a bath in Radox & a massage tonight. Should be Ok for tomorrow. I also believe all our players returned with no injuries either.
  8. Being bummed is my worst nightmare. However, once, while drunk, drugged, teetering on being unconscious & by Torres would be acceptable.
  9. Ellison. No contest. It's like asking who's the better band: Metallica or Vanilla. (Ellison being Metallica BTW)
  10. I like her. A lot. Although, I did go to see a show called Boeing Boeing in London last year & she was in it. The first scene was her running across the stage in pants and a tight shirt. She didn't half have some cellulite. I could have taken a cheese grater to it. Still would though. She has always maintained her tats are real. I'm dubious of this claim.
  11. Marge - OH NO, we're too late! Scientist - I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have stopped for that hair cut. ***** Pilot - This plane will be briefly landing in North Haverbrook for re-fueling Langley - North Haverbrook? Why does that name sound familiar? Angry Mob - There he is, seat 32F, GET HIM! (nb - these quotes may not be 100% correct)
  12. I bet he actually did cry as well. Now we just need one for Xabi D.
  13. He looks like Alan Partridge Sports Casual in that picture at Villarreal.
  14. What was the original music to this advert? It's deffo not new.
  15. I get a small red X against a white background. Terrifying.
  16. Rafa team would win but I think it would be close. Putting Owen into Houlliers team would make a massive difference.
  17. It a yuppy word. My mate uses it a lot. He's a yuppy.
  18. Solskjaer was a huge fan of ours too. Didn't stop him. The cunt.
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