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Livered Off

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  1. Queen Elizabeth 2 Andie MacDowell Iggy Pop Alistair MacLean Charlotte Bronte Bow down and worship at the altar of false gods
  2. Oh yes, for the better. It got rid of the dead wood in my life, now there are beautiful spring shoots of fresh green growth and a future rather than an existence. Thank you GF.
  3. It's called Advent, starts 4 Sundays before Christmas and means that Christmas starts here. Perhaps all these peeps are God fearing Christians?:whistle:
  4. I developed a certain liking for some of the humour that abounds on board and yes I am that bored tonight. Up to date with work, don't get the chance to go out that often these days...which was why this thread proved so amusing, insomnia is ruling, Ma I'm looking good and yes, I obviously am that sad but who gives a sh*t anyway, I don't. Bottles up bottoms, sounds, well not my cup of tea at all but I know a man who can and will for sixpence if you're that desperate :biggrin:
  5. LOL, the eagle landed quite a while ago but beware the albatross and the walrus too. Both asked the rock but the rock aint saying aint saying a word
  6. Nah, the cheque is in front of me but there's no kiss. I'm drinking bog standard dry white wine...just to keep on topic....:P
  7. Nah, not at all and as if I would. You really shouldn't believe everything you read :whistle: :P
  8. It's...life that is...it's good, thanks for asking and this thread, never read before tonight, has made me cry with laughter but then that's what it's all about, laughing, loving, losing and then laughing and loving all over again.
  9. Wrong end of Broad Street to ever make any real money. The local punters are just too pissed to get that far down in one piece or without being arrested, that's why the other clubs have gone out of business. I'll check it out on Friday if it's open and let you know.
  10. Complain (has to be in writing though) to the officer in charge and you will go straight to the top of the pile. Keep complaining and you stay there. If you can give me details of the office and I will try and get you the geographic number and then you get to speak to a real person as opposed to a very unreal one. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys and HMRC pay peanuts. The people you speak to on the phone know nothing about tax being merely call centre operatives. This is how cuts in funding look in the real world. But you wouldn't want your BR tax paying for more HMRC employees would you????
  11. Vaseline. Jogger's nipple is a bitch.
  12. Lots of Dora Nail's out there. Would that do?
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