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Everything posted by Naz17

  1. So you can disagree with the results of a policing system but if someone claims they can solve these problems without proposing evidence of what they would do, would you believe them? Unless things get really bad (which they are far from in this country), merely complaining isn't enough in my opinion. If we're talking about politicians now, anyone can highlight problems because no system is perfect. It's generating solutions which requires smart thinking, leadership and stakeholder engagement that count.
  2. If you want to be an effective Party opposing the government you need an economic plan - whether it's alternative or not is up for debate but at least set out the objectives and method. You can't just be "anti" something for the sake of it and be taken seriously by voters/the public. What you've put in your post are vague high level aspirations which have no meaning without detail. It doesn't need a "complex blueprint" - an actual policy is a start. It's not difficult.
  3. So you don't have a set of policies you want a Tory opposition to implement? So what do you stand for then except for being "anti Tory"?
  4. I disagree with you on Trump turning against Hindus etc. But we'll find out in 4 years if he did won't we. Also, I don't blame Trump for morons in the US not knowing the difference. Individuals should be taking responsibility to educate themselves of the basics. Edit - deleted repeated line.
  5. This ban isn't about "brown people". Trump has no issues with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Sufis etc - most of which are "brown". Didn't he say he'd prioritise Christians from the middle east? I bet they're "brown" too.
  6. What specific policy would be your priority in an ideal world today?
  7. Slower pace or less extreme. That is preferable to an all out Tory right?
  8. I doubt there are many right wingers on a Liverpool forum.
  9. Too many posters in here who don't see the original post I'm replying to for some reason. My post was in response to the protest being against "legitimising the shit show" - we've already partly legitimised it by our own country voting for our border control. Let's not be hypocrits now. Zimbabwe's elections are corrupt - surely you know that?
  10. You realise this "shit show" is basically what 52% of this country voted for in the referendum ie the ability to choose who enters the country and who doesn't?
  11. Guess we will just disagree with what constitutes "a lot" then.
  12. So would you rather a Tory leader or a watered down Tory leader as PM?
  13. You're missing the point. Given that there are people who want to protest at injustices, the rational thing would be for them to protest against what they believe is the greatest injustice. A selective immigration policy does not compare to what Mugabe is doing to his people. Therefore it must be that there are other motivations for this protest outside of humanity issues. Which clearly are political.
  14. So if China start making aggressive moves towards the US, I assume the Stop The War movement will start protesting outside the Chinese embassy?
  15. The fact that they don't protest about worse crimes against humanity going on proves to me that these protests are not really about what they claim to be.
  16. Think about what a lot of people are protesting about here. They want a foreign democratic, sovereign country to be forced to allow anyone on this planet to live there. There are so many things wrong with that I don't know where to begin. Can we please protest against Mugabe who is destroying the lives of his own people? Trump is no where near his level.
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