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Boris Johnson


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16 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Not at all.

He never did the detail so not turning up was easy. I have worked with some of the most boring uninteresting people you could ever meet but fuck they new their job and did the reading after hours.

Fair enough - apologies then

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14 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

He was ill-equipped and he couldn't be arsed. It doesn't have to be one or the other. 


13 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

He couldn't be arsed because doing the job he was elected to do wasn't important to him. It was nothing but an inconvenience and he treated it as such. 


4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I think Johnson was naturally lazy.

All of the above 

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1 hour ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

I reckon he had Covid. If my memory serves me right, there was a clip of him looking quite ropey just before it was announced that he’d got it. 

But, I also remember that the massive twat once hid in a walk-in fridge to avoid answering difficult questions. So it’s also entirely plausible that he was blagging it or that he didn’t have it as bad as was reported and he just wanted a few days out of the firing line. 


Same. Being a bloated fat cunt, who seems to be the only man who goes for a jog without deriving any health benefit whatsoever, I think he did cop a dose of it.  I can fully believe the Intensive Care treatment was because of his position as prime minister, but he may well have needed it. People making the comparison with Hancock just merely demonstrates how the virus acts. We all know people who have had it and reacted differently to others. Hancock is also in much better shape than Johnson and a bit younger too.

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10 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Would just point out Dirk that I’m in as bad a shape as Johnson and mine was quite mild, more like a cold.

I think this just also proves the virus acts differently over time, strain etc. 


I caught it in July 22, just before the crazy 40 degree heat. I had tested negative before I flew to Poland at that weekend, but was sat next to my mate in the cinema for a couple of hours and a pub meal with him before I tested positive. I had it for about 5 days as mild symptoms and he didnt catch it at all.


Fast forward to March and we had both in Berlin. He tested positive about two days after we got home, and had a bad dose of it as was still testing positive ten days later. I didnt catch it all. Neither of us are perfect physical specimens, but we arent Johnson either.

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3 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Always wondered what happened to Angie, a complete nutcase Johnson adherent. Hasn’t posted on Twitter since January 2022. I thought the injustice of it all might tempt her out. Unless she topped herself when he married again.




Isnt that just a drag version of Bozo ?

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5 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Always wondered what happened to Angie, a complete nutcase Johnson adherent. Hasn’t posted on Twitter since January 2022. I thought the injustice of it all might tempt her out. Unless she topped herself when he married again.





That Johnson when he had Covid?

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22 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Always wondered what happened to Angie, a complete nutcase Johnson adherent. Hasn’t posted on Twitter since January 2022. I thought the injustice of it all might tempt her out. Unless she topped herself when he married again.






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17 hours ago, Poor Scouser T said:

I've ran depts, teams and businesses and the pressure can be immense never mind No 10.

The number of emails you get per day even as a bellend like me is overwhelming. I hate Johnson but it is a tough job. Esp when you are a dick.

Lying racist gobshite.

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17 hours ago, Curly said:


Turning up to cobra meetings about a global pandemic would generally be seen as a bare minimum task though.


If he wasn’t up to that, he wasn’t up to much. And so it transpired.


What do you think he could have been prioritising over that out of interest?

He was finalising a tricky divorce and had a book to finish.


He wanted to be PM but without doing any actual work 

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1 hour ago, Champ said:

He was finalising a tricky divorce and had a book to finish.


He wanted to be PM but without doing any actual work 

George Osbourne said the other day he also had a huge tax bill to pay as he took quite the pay cut to be PM.


Obviously being the details man he was he didn’t save anything for it so was scrambling around looking for a creditor to pay it off on top of all the other nonsense.

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22 hours ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Sometimes even the sensible get looney.

I have no doubt he was Ill. I have no doubt he wanted to be a success. He was determined to be a great leader. He wanted to be remembered as the new Churchill. His problem is not his motivation but that he is shit at his job. He is a muppet who has ideas above his ability. I fundamentally disagree with his ideology, his class and everything he represents but he did not take the job as a jolly. He just was not up to it. 

he didn’t attend several cobra meetings,fucked off on holiday for 2 weeks and couldn’t even be arsed reading the notes he was given,

Motivated isnt the 1st word id use to describe the lazy drunk mess. 


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