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Boris Johnson


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Guest Pistonbroke

They missed out the money he spunked on unusable water cannons and selling them off for a huge loss, but all in all a fair summary of the Trump wannabe. 

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On 09/10/2012 at 11:23, moof said:

He's an utter cunt and only popular because he went on a tv show and embarrassed himself as a bumbling fucking fool. A sad indictment of our country that he's about to be PM 

Fixed just under 7 years later. 



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18 minutes ago, Boss said:

Rory Stewart out.

Fuck knows what he was doing last night during the debate. He was so unhinged, it was ridiculous.


Firstly takes tie off a few minutes in.


Then the bizarre sitting stance followed by the symptoms of someone on a big come down after a night of snorting shitloads of cocaine.





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Guest Pistonbroke
1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

Ha someone posted that first pic on twitter last night and put "What the fuck is going on here?" to which someone replied "Leave him alone he is just coming up" 

 Another funny one was.... 'If you think this is bad, wait until the swimwear round.' 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Ha someone posted that first pic on twitter last night and put "What the fuck is going on here?" to which someone replied "Leave him alone he is just coming up" 

Someone else captioned that top one “Yeah, I think I’m getting something off it.”

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