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On 09/12/2024 at 13:05, Scott_M said:

I can’t stand New Day. I wish they all were fired.

Their gimmick was so cartoonish and aimed at kids - i hated it. Became an instant switch over job when they appeared and that fucking trombone!..... But this turn by woods and kingston could be good if it wipes out all that shite and sets them in a more grown up direction.

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Is there any news on Big E getting cleared or is he just a tool for the heel turn


Sami and Drew could be a good watch. 


Not really into the Rollins vs Punk stuff, Rollins whole gimmick feels stale, only reason he seems over if the entrance theme

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11 hours ago, Lee909 said:

Is there any news on Big E getting cleared or is he just a tool for the heel turn


Sami and Drew could be a good watch. 


Not really into the Rollins vs Punk stuff, Rollins whole gimmick feels stale, only reason he seems over if the entrance theme

I feel this is invigorating Rollins...he is seething and leaning into a bit of more reality based stuff that has a bit more feeling as opposed to his usual schtick.


I think he has been doing a good job with it and of course Punk elevates everybody he works with as he is just so good on the mic.

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2 hours ago, Kevin D said:

Incredible amount of mid-card drivel on Smackdown.



I imagine it was partly due to the double taping so they got this week off and most storyline on sort of hold as the new tv deal for Raw,new 3hr smackdown so the start build to Royal Rumble 

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On 21/12/2024 at 21:18, Lee909 said:



I imagine it was partly due to the double taping so they got this week off and most storyline on sort of hold as the new tv deal for Raw,new 3hr smackdown so the start build to Royal Rumble 

3 hour Smackdown doesn’t do it for me, unless there is a massive roster shakeup.


Think HHH has fucked up the women’s division considerably.


In my view, the match is Rhea/Bianca and both of them are tied up in juvenile/irrelevant nonsense.

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3 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

3 hour Smackdown doesn’t do it for me, unless there is a massive roster shakeup.


Think HHH has fucked up the women’s division considerably.


In my view, the match is Rhea/Bianca and both of them are tied up in juvenile/irrelevant nonsense.


I'm not a fan of 3 hours on either show really. The womans division is a bit of a mess but to a point I guess it's bound to be without Becky,Flair or Alexa Bliss in the mix. I reckon Flair will be back on Raw or at the Royal Rumble. I know she gets shit for the amount t of times she just comes back and wins tne title but there's very few that can perform at her level, neither of the current champions can for a start. Hopefully though with the woman getting two new titles they can sort out the roster and develop some new stars. At the moment I normally watch at work but will do a walk round the site before so I miss about 30 mins and can skip the adverts and many of the lower card womans matches that just arnt very good. 


Hoping that the current storyline with Bianca turns her heel as she needs something new, the issue will be I don't think anyone gives a shit enough about Jade Cargil for it to have much swing. 


Cargill is there with Nia Jax for me as well over pushed for how well they can perform

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1 minute ago, Lee909 said:


I'm not a fan of 3 hours on either show really. The womans division is a bit of a mess but to a point I guess it's bound to be without Becky,Flair or Alexa Bliss in the mix. I reckon Flair will be back on Raw or at the Royal Rumble. I know she gets shit for the amount t of times she just comes back and wins tne title but there's very few that can perform at her level, neither of the current champions can for a start. Hopefully though with the woman getting two new titles they can sort out the roster and develop some new stars. At the moment I normally watch at work but will do a walk round the site before so I miss about 30 mins and can skip the adverts and many of the lower card womans matches that just arnt very good. 


Hoping that the current storyline with Bianca turns her heel as she needs something new, the issue will be I don't think anyone gives a shit enough about Jade Cargil for it to have much swing. 


Cargill is there with Nia Jax for me as well over pushed for how well they can perform

I think you have to give Cargill some leeway, as she’s never going to be the perfect wrestler.


Youre going to get two amazing years out of her as a Goldberg dominant force, before her lack of wrestling ability becomes to obvious to hide.


I watch both shows similar to you. Fire up the show and skip the midcard/dreck. With Raw that means watching Punk, Drew, Sami, Jey, Walter and Bron; Rhea, if it’s good and Dom if he’s doing a promo. The rest I’ll just skip.


Smackdown is La Knight, Bloodline, Cody with the rest quality dependent. Although my patience with Cody is starting to wear a bit thin.

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Yeah Cody needs something. 

Don't think it's quite ready for a turn yet but he needs a quality story opponent to get him through to Wrestlemania. 


I think the world titles need to change a bit motmre often aswell. At the moment you know it's only going to be a PPV and rarely that especially if it's past summer slam you know they'll hold on till Wrestlemania. I'm hoping with Netflix they might demand some stuff like that. Keep it more on edge like Raw used to be in the attitude era

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22 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Yeah Cody needs something. 

Don't think it's quite ready for a turn yet but he needs a quality story opponent to get him through to Wrestlemania. 


I think the world titles need to change a bit motmre often aswell. At the moment you know it's only going to be a PPV and rarely that especially if it's past summer slam you know they'll hold on till Wrestlemania. I'm hoping with Netflix they might demand some stuff like that. Keep it more on edge like Raw used to be in the attitude era

I’m okay with both Walter and Cody having long title reigns, they just need more exciting dance partners.


Cody needs that Orton fued which will be electric. All the old footage, the story, the families - it will be great. 

Walter needs wrestlers on his level who are starts; Rollins, then Punk and then Lesnar. Guys who could beat him, but you want to see him beat.


The thing that has annoyed me is having stars, but not having them interact and fight. Cody’s path to the title was way more interesting than his defences.

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