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When Stouff stops talking kebaps and goes all John Connor on a brother, you know the end is truly nigh.


Hahaha, yeah.


Syria's long-medium range ground based air defence goes sentient on 27th June.


. Destiny.

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  • 11 months later...

I see we're about to arm some Syrian rebels. I'd like to think we won't arm the Al-Qaeda backed rebels, but history tells me that may be wishful thinking.


However it does look like Syrian ally, Putin, has had enough, and is continuing with the delivery of some surface-to-air missiles that'll put pay to any prospect of a no-fly zone. Syria, meanwhile, is starting to look like Skaro during the Kaled/Thal conflict.

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  • 11 years later...
On 06/12/2024 at 17:01, Bjornebye said:

Assad is a maniac and needs a bullet in his head along with Netenyahu, Allsopp and Putin 


That may be so, but the alternative here appears to ISIS, who are probably worse. At least Assad's forces aren't gearing up in suicide vests to bomb London.

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