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India v China springs to mind dude, and you'd need to be a spastic of the highest order to link that back to the West.


I didnt even know their was a conflict myself but looking at those two countries you'd say that they are both fighting for business from the west so maybe their conflict is because of this?

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Guest Scaramanga
I didnt even know their was a conflict myself but looking at those two countries you'd say that they are both fighting for business from the west so maybe their conflict is because of this?


They have had border "skirmishes" since the late 50's dude, the last actual conflict between the two (which sticks in my mind, and relevant to silverlinings question) was Namka Chu (spelling may be out) in 1962. Brought about purely by India's quest for territory, and their perceived weakness of China.


India lost by the way dude. Badly.


Another which I just remembered, in 1987 India and Pakistan were a ball hair away from nuking each other. A possible conflict borne out of hatred for each other.

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Guest Scaramanga
Marines have been told they are being deployed there very soon.


I'm calling bs on this dude. It will take more than the handful of marines at our disposal to break the Syrian army. Unless they are backed by substantial US/UK/European forces, which tends to get noticed, they won't be going anywhere.

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Guest Scaramanga
My brother in law is a marine and has been told his next deployment is Syria in feb next year...


Just posting what I have been told.


I can dig that dude, when I was in the Navy I used to hear that sort of talk all the time, but I would take it with a pinch of salt.

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I think the United Nations needs to do a hell of a lot more. Military intervention is currently out of question because of China and Russia's close ties.


Yes,arent these types of situations the exact scenarios the UN was created to be used in?


I have no real idea what the Syrian situation is all about other than thousands of lives being lost for very little reason.

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Yes,arent these types of situations the exact scenarios the UN was created to be used in?


I have no real idea what the Syrian situation is all about other than thousands of lives being lost for very little reason.




Don't worry Syrians, Kofi Annan is "deeply concerned" about the situation. The big bad henchmen are shitting their pants.

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My brother in law is a marine and has been told his next deployment is Syria in feb next year...


Just posting what I have been told.


As others have said, I would take it with a pinch of salt. I have a family member in the forces and he has been told of many a possible destination in the past few months. He is currently shagging penguins in the Falklands on a training exercise.

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There's other things at play here though. It's more than likely a fundamentalist group carrying out these type of attacks and the regime is taking the heat.


Syria's military is relatively well organised and 'professional' by Middle Eastern standards, and while I'm sure they're more than capable of stooping to this kind of low, there's absolutely nothing to be gained by it, especially when you see how much Assad values his PR. He's not some despot who poses in front of the camera with a gold-plated AK47, he wants to be seen as legitimate.


These so called Arab spring uprisings have allowed fundamentalist forces to play their game, as they hate these iron first type rulers as much as the West does.


The irony is these despots kept a lid on a lot of ethnic and religious tensions in the region, but that's gone and the place is now a powder keg.


Got to love the West's crocodile tears at things like this though, seeing as not so long ago the yanks were firing uranium-depleted shells into Fallujah, and their bombs have ruined more weddings than rain.


From what I've heard it's a paramilitary/gangsters that are carrying out these atrocities. Not officially supported by the regime but their to do its 'dirty work'. I'm assuming in return they get carte Blanche to do whatever else they like with no government interference.

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I can dig that dude, when I was in the Navy I used to hear that sort of talk all the time, but I would take it with a pinch of salt.


Fair enough, never been in the forces so have no idea what you guys get told.

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Fair enough, never been in the forces so have no idea what you guys get told.


We got told we were going in Iraq two years before we actually did. We became suspicious when certain types of shells that we use for live firing exercises in Canada, got moved to "War Stock" as well as high priority electronic components that we got refused.

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Does anybody support intervention?


I think they need to look at a no fly zone or something, just crank the pressure up and the Syrian army will bail on assad


We'll already be arming them and looking to give the rebels more hardware through the Saudi's


We used to be told Saddam's army was so loyal to him they'll all die for him but they soon shit themselves once it was kicking off


i think Monty has a point too, the fact China is involved is a reason why its big news as the West has to be seen to put china down at every chance


I reckon the marine story could be right because logistically you'd need to have things ready to go just in case you need to go as opposed to saying 'lets go, shit we're not sorted'

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Guest Pistonbroke
We got told we were going in Iraq two years before we actually did. We became suspicious when certain types of shells that we use for live firing exercises in Canada, got moved to "War Stock" as well as high priority electronic components that we got refused.


I found it was always useful to have a mate who worked in the quartermasters store.

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