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I’m sure the wild celebrations in Damascus tonight are short lived 


6 hours ago, Fugitive said:

No, it’s usually ‘gammongs’, you despicable cunt.

Apart from one post that was anti semitic I bet you haven’t got a single clue what you’re on about. You’re a bandwagon jumper who hasn’t got a clue what the argument is you just want to latch on what you perceive if the “forum angle” get you own opinions Fuge 

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8 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Some of the footage coming out of Sednaya prison is harrowing. Piles of dead bodies, many of them showing signs of torture. Piles of shoes and belongings of those who were killed. And, those found alive are in such a state that they’re alive but not living - skin and bones or just a human shell as their blank looks signify the traumatic experiences that they’ve obviously been through. 

The footage and reports make it look and sound like Sednaya is this century’s Auschwitz  or Bergen-Belsen. 

I fear that there’s much more bloodshed to come. There’s already anecdotal claims of sectarian/tribal/politically motivated violence and retribution taking place. 

It's disturbing what people can be persuaded into doing to others. It's hard to understand how cruel we can be.

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5 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I’m sure the wild celebrations in Damascus tonight are short lived 


Apart from one post that was anti semitic I bet you haven’t got a single clue what you’re on about. You’re a bandwagon jumper who hasn’t got a clue what the argument is you just want to latch on what you perceive if the “forum angle” get you own opinions Fuge 

They are my opinions. I’ve already made clear that I fucking despise what Israel are doing and agree with a lot of differing opinions on here but these two cunts go way overboard and it’s becoming very clear why. I’m not even sure why you have popped up defending them but based on the time you posted this, I can’t hazard a guess.


They are a pair of cunts and if you were no so blinded by your sheer hatred of one side, you’d probably see it too. Israel, Hamas, Assad, the new regime in Syria, Hezbollah… all cunts. The only innocent parties here are the one being blown up in their homes and dodging rockets on a daily basis.


You seem to think if someone has a slightly different view to yours then they don’t have their own opinion? guess what? You’re dead wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

I was there when planet origi and gnasher were reunited at the telethon. I cried.

If Gnasher has come back to the gf in disguise like a Shakespearian character, he must be reading these threads with some bemusement. Endless spamming of twitter links, open anti semitism including a cartoon straight out of Der Sturmer, vile insults based on children’s disabilities but he’s the guy who got banned. Nothing like a bit of GF hypocrisy. 

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13 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

If Gnasher has come back to the gf in disguise like a Shakespearian character, he must be reading these threads with some bemusement. Endless spamming of twitter links, open anti semitism including a cartoon straight out of Der Sturmer, vile insults based on children’s disabilities but he’s the guy who got banned. Nothing like a bit of GF hypocrisy. 

Not really, I called Gnasher out for it and now I’m calling these out for it.

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I didn’t realize Gnasher was banned. It’s a shame because he was one of the most principled and honest posters on the forum. I guess this place is a mini demo of how zionism works. No place for decency and honesty in it. And keep repeating your own lies until you believe them.


Anyway, I don’t think Gnasher is losing much sleep over not being able to post here. I will also not be losing much sleep over it. I will stop posting here myself. 


I have already said all I wanted to say anyway, and my posts are there for all to read. There is not much left that I can add.


The sun shines brightly.

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14 minutes ago, Jurgen Knows said:

Yet you failed to quote one post that proves your point.

I actually did, you know the one about the vile representation of a Jew.


To be fair, I couldn’t quote it directly because it was deleted due to it being so disgusting. You are a cunt.

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1 minute ago, Jurgen Knows said:

I didn’t realize Gnasher was banned. It’s a shame because he was one of the most principled and honest posters on the forum. I guess this place is a mini demo of how zionism works. No place for decency and honesty in it.


Anyway, I don’t think Gnasher is losing much sleep over not being able to post here. I will also not be losing much sleep over it. I will stop posting here myself. 


I have already said all I wanted to say anyway, and my posts are there for all to read. There is not much left that I can add.


The sun shines brightly.

He was on twitter pretending to be Jewish as a way of attacking other Jews. What a great guy he is. 

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56 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

If Gnasher has come back to the gf in disguise like a Shakespearian character, he must be reading these threads with some bemusement. Endless spamming of twitter links, open anti semitism including a cartoon straight out of Der Sturmer, vile insults based on children’s disabilities but he’s the guy who got banned. Nothing like a bit of GF hypocrisy. 


I want the same fate for these previously banned jabronis as met Gnasher. So, ya know, not hypocritical. 

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44 minutes ago, A Red said:

I like to see the positive when I can. Ridiculing the word gammon is one such thing.

just a shame the person using the word,doesnt  have the faintest idea what it means.

you would be hard pressed to find many flag shagging gammons on here. 



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3 hours ago, Fugitive said:

They are my opinions. I’ve already made clear that I fucking despise what Israel are doing and agree with a lot of differing opinions on here but these two cunts go way overboard and it’s becoming very clear why. I’m not even sure why you have popped up defending them but based on the time you posted this, I can’t hazard a guess.


They are a pair of cunts and if you were no so blinded by your sheer hatred of one side, you’d probably see it too. Israel, Hamas, Assad, the new regime in Syria, Hezbollah… all cunts. The only innocent parties here are the one being blown up in their homes and dodging rockets on a daily basis.


You seem to think if someone has a slightly different view to yours then they don’t have their own opinion? guess what? You’re dead wrong.

I think they are both a pair of tits myself but by and large Jurgen Knows (TK) is posting a lot of sense. But yep overstepped the mark with that anti-Semitic picture. 

With you it’s not a difference of opinion thing it’s just you rarely have an opinion you just gob off and eat shit brekkies 


58 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

just a shame the person using the word,doesnt  have the faintest idea what it means.

you would be hard pressed to find many flag shagging gammons on here. 



Yeah the forum is lacking gammon flag shaggers ………. 

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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

I think they are both a pair of tits myself but by and large Jurgen Knows (TK) is posting a lot of sense. But yep overstepped the mark with that anti-Semitic picture. 

With you it’s not a difference of opinion thing it’s just you rarely have an opinion you just gob off and eat shit brekkies 


Oh, so I’m not allowed an opinion because I don’t flood the forum with my views on every fucking thread all the time? In future, I’ll make sure my opinion aligns with yours so you don’t get upset.



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8 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Oh, so I’m not allowed an opinion because I don’t flood the forum with my views on every fucking thread all the time? In future, I’ll make sure my opinion aligns with yours so you don’t get upset.



You misread me. You don’t appear to have a fucking opinion, you just lash abuse. Read what I said you docile divvy 

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Just now, Bjornebye said:

You misread me. You don’t appear to have a fucking opinion, you just lash abuse. Read what I said you docile divvy 

You’ve just pulled me due to my opinion of the pair of them and the proceeded to tell me I rarely have an opinion. I genuinely can’t be fucked with you today. Go and follow Stronts around or something, I’m sure you will get an argument out of him.



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2 hours ago, Jurgen Knows said:

Anyway, I don’t think Gnasher is losing much sleep over not being able to post here. I will also not be losing much sleep over it. I will stop posting here myself.


Given that he was very obviously employed to be posting online, it may well have affected his annual bonus from the Kremlin. Let's hope he hasn't been posted to the front for his failure.

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