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4 hours ago, Jurgen Knows said:

You’re not getting it.


The troops who die believe they are dying for religion. Of course they do, otherwise they would not go to war.


The warlords who send them to die are the ones who know that they are not dying for religion.

This is how I interpreted it.

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3 minutes ago, Planet Origi said:

I'm sure I saw you on the corner of Everton Road early August shitting your keks not crossing over the road, you racist Bootle mongrel. What happened? Gone back into your racist closet until Tommy brings you out?

Hahaha, Bootle??? you are a fucking lunatic.


I despise what Israel are doing, I despise hamas, I despise Assad and I’m almost certain that the ones who replace him will also be cunts. I also despise what America and the UK are doing. The only people I care about are the innocents that are being killed and will continue to suffer.


You are a racist cunt who has a massive agenda and doesn’t even attempt to hide it. You are filth and I also hope Tommy Robinson dies a painful death.


Go on, call me a Gammong, you dirty twat.

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2 hours ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

You sure? The fella who is leading the rebels was high on their wanted list. Now he’s a firm favourite and being labelled as some sort of saviour. 

Syria has always been on the list of places to get in to since 2001. Libya, Iraq already ticked off the list. 


Seems like the usual US-backed regime change but this one was just delayed for a few years. I suppose we now hope that "reformed" al-Qaeda don't turn the place into a similar mess to what Iraq and Libya ended up with. Goodbye to the brutal dictator and hello to a branch of the same group that carried out 9/11. Maybe SasaS was more accurate with this :


On 09/12/2024 at 13:22, SasaS said:

I don't believe there is much chance of them avoiding becoming the new Libya.

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8 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


Ah, this is it. Is it?


Assad is Muslim. Pretty sure he would be considered a dictator by most.


7 hours ago, Section_31 said:


He is a muslim dictator. What am I missing here? Are you both nuts? This would be called gaslilghting if I gave a fuck, but I don't, so not sure what it's called. 


Not sure why his religion should be noted unless for deliberate racial undertones, especially more so when you are wrong. Assad is not a Muslim, he is an Alawite.

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19 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Hahaha, Bootle??? you are a fucking lunatic.


I despise what Israel are doing, I despise hamas, I despise Assad and I’m almost certain that the ones who replace him will also be cunts. I also despise what America and the UK are doing. The only people I care about are the innocents that are being killed and will continue to suffer.


You are a racist cunt who has a massive agenda and doesn’t even attempt to hide it. You are filth and I also hope Tommy Robinson dies a painful death.


Go on, call me a Gammong, you dirty twat.

But you still voted Starmer didn't you, and that I'm afraid does qualify you to be a deformed gammong with no morals. Sorry.

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8 minutes ago, Planet Origi said:



Not sure why his religion should be noted unless for deliberate racial undertones, especially more so when you are wrong. Assad is not a Muslim, he is an Alawite.

I imagine the outlet that printed it assumed their readers didn't know he was Muslim.

They certainly don't know he is an Alawite or that there should be a difference noted there.

In that case more needs to be made of it.

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1 minute ago, Planet Origi said:

But you still voted Starmer didn't you, and that I'm afraid does qualify you to be a deformed gammong with no morals. Sorry.

You really are a fucking idiot. A sweaty antisemitic fuckwit who has the mental capacity of a stick.


Go on, call me a mong again. It really shows who you really are. Imagine using a vile insult against people with Down syndrome to attack people with. Fucking disgusting.

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1 minute ago, Fugitive said:

You really are a fucking idiot. A sweaty antisemitic fuckwit who has the mental capacity of a stick.


Go on, call me a mong again. It really shows who you really are. Imagine using a vile insult against people with Down syndrome to attack people with. Fucking disgusting.

Unlike you I don't associate such words with people with down syndrome.

People who vote for genocide supporters and collaborators though...


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1 minute ago, Planet Origi said:

Ahahhahaa...I didn't vote for genocide collaborators though. What was it, the extra 5p or whatever in your pay? Hope it was worth it.

5p? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you just throwing random words about now, you bellend.


Defo live in your Nans spare room, you gimp.

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Some of the footage coming out of Sednaya prison is harrowing. Piles of dead bodies, many of them showing signs of torture. Piles of shoes and belongings of those who were killed. And, those found alive are in such a state that they’re alive but not living - skin and bones or just a human shell as their blank looks signify the traumatic experiences that they’ve obviously been through. 

The footage and reports make it look and sound like Sednaya is this century’s Auschwitz  or Bergen-Belsen. 

I fear that there’s much more bloodshed to come. There’s already anecdotal claims of sectarian/tribal/politically motivated violence and retribution taking place. 

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Origi's problem is similar but possibly worse than Gnasher's in that he's soaked up loads of content and it's produced an extreme emotional response but he's not smart enough (or possibly old enough) to process it, sift through it and present and counter reasoned arguments.


So all you get is other people's content reposted and any questioning of it is met with abuse.



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56 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Origi's problem is similar but possibly worse than Gnasher's in that he's soaked up loads of content and it's produced an extreme emotional response but he's not smart enough (or possibly old enough) to process it, sift through it and present and counter reasoned arguments.


So all you get is other people's content reposted and any questioning of it is met with abuse.



What's there to question about posts highlighting genocide and ethnic cleansing?


At least you learnt Assad is not a Muslim today. Perhaps it wasn't racism but ignorance...which is one of it's cause..

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