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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:


Had to do it in the Liverpool Women's hospital in the summer. Nurse led me to the room and just basically said come back when you're finished. I took no time at all it was a very weird scenario but I reckon I finished as if I was 16 years old again. My bird and the nurse both looked at me with shock when I strolled back in with my cup. 


I dropped the cup that resulted in my first child.  I've always wondered if that's why he's not as tall as I expected.

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8 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Had to do it in the Liverpool Women's hospital in the summer. Nurse led me to the room and just basically said come back when you're finished. I took no time at all it was a very weird scenario but I reckon I finished as if I was 16 years old again. My bird and the nurse both looked at me with shock when I strolled back in with my cup. 


Me and the missus were basically going to do IVF at the start of this year so we went through the same preliminary stuff that you have.


My biggest memory from knocking one out there is also leaving an absolutely gigantic shit in their bog. I walked out of the room pissing myself at the thought of the poor cunt after me having to crack one out while smelling my shite.

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2 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Me and the missus were basically going to do IVF at the start of this year so we went through the same preliminary stuff that you have.


My biggest memory from knocking one out there is also leaving an absolutely gigantic shit in their bog. I walked out of the room pissing myself at the thought of the poor cunt after me having to crack one out while smelling my shite.


Jesus. A decent story for the christmas dinner table. 

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


Had to do it in the Liverpool Women's hospital in the summer. Nurse led me to the room and just basically said come back when you're finished. I took no time at all it was a very weird scenario but I reckon I finished as if I was 16 years old again. My bird and the nurse both looked at me with shock when I strolled back in with my cup. 

Your bird was just feigning surprise. She knew mate. She knew.

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2 hours ago, JohnnyH said:


Great stuff.


I remember well having to go into the little room with a small tv and a few scruffy dvds to get my "sample".  Right outside the door was a doctor and 2 nurses having a right good laugh. In the end I had to go out and tell them to fuck off so I could have a semi-tug to get me swimmers.  Shite experience. 


Cyprus sounds better.

First time I did it I was dead nervous so I’d left it a few days (probably a few too many looking back) to make sure there was enough for the sample. 

When I handed her the pot she looked at me with disgust and I’m sure I saw her mouth “you filthy fucking bastard”. 

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1 hour ago, Harry's Lad said:

Your bird was just feigning surprise. She knew mate. She knew.

Yeah I think I did see a glint of pity on the nurses eyes when she looked back at her 


1 hour ago, lifetime fan said:

Second time was a male nurse, he was sound. 

Was constantly joking and really put you at ease.

was saying stuff like why wasn’t my husband with me and that he’d put out specialist gay porn for me. 

Hate to break it to you mate but he wasn’t joking …..

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On 10/05/2024 at 09:22, Bjornebye said:

Did the egg collection and final jar spunk on Wednesday. Did it in the women’s hospital because they said if I do it there they can use it for research. Weird but anyway. We only got two eggs. She was devastated. 

Got the call yesterday morning and both are strong and are now embryos. 

Back in Saturday morning for them to be inserted back into her. 

Went out for food yesterday and a few drinks (well she didn’t drink the pussy) and she isn’t having “wetting the baby’s head as an excuse) back in the dog house 


Best of luck to you both. We had twins from IVF. They’re now 15 and won’t put the bins out. Really hope it works out for you. 

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