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Did the egg collection and final jar spunk on Wednesday. Did it in the women’s hospital because they said if I do it there they can use it for research. Weird but anyway. We only got two eggs. She was devastated. 

Got the call yesterday morning and both are strong and are now embryos. 

Back in Saturday morning for them to be inserted back into her. 

Went out for food yesterday and a few drinks (well she didn’t drink the pussy) and she isn’t having “wetting the baby’s head as an excuse) back in the dog house 


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On 10/04/2024 at 23:36, JohnnyH said:

Missed this post. Having gone this route after my wife suffered 7 miscarriages, it worked great and now I’m the miserable parent of a 5 and 6 year old. The very best of luck mate. I’ve everything crossed for you including my now unemployed penis. 


I remember being so fucking ecstatic for an Username on the screen when you had the first. 


Ill be equally as ecstatic for Stig. 


Being a parent is boss. 

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On 27/03/2024 at 16:30, Bjornebye said:

We’ve been accepted onto IVF and have our first proper appointment tomorrow.


She’s been on a health kick for months, no booze and barely any carbs so has been a right pain in the arse. 

A few weeks ago she came back from a dog walk banging on about some woman she’d met in the park who she got talking to about angel healing and all sorts of earth and crystal stuff. 

This afternoon she’s just been to an appointment with her. 90 minutes of massage, oils, soothing sounds etc. apparently the woman has told her she can see us having twins etc. She’s just brought this home and is now convinced not only that it will work but that we’re having twins because some ex-pillhead turned spiritual guide has told her. Whatever works I guess 





Very best of luck to you both Stig. Take care of your missus because the hormones they'll be giving her might make her very emotional for a couple of weeks. I've been there mate. 


Edit: Only just realised I've been replying to a post from fucking March so my reply might not be relevant now. Anyway..




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  • 5 months later...

Got the final go ahead from the clinic last night. They were worried about a small cyst my missus had on her ovary but it’s halved in size so we fly to Cyprus on Saturday. (A bit cheaper but with better odds of success) Shitting myself tbh. I might have to grow up. 

Also, I can’t drink for a few days before I give my sperm in on the Monday which is fine apart from the flight. I hate hate hate flying without a drink so we’re defo gonna crash. 

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14 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Got the final go ahead from the clinic last night. They were worried about a small cyst my missus had on her ovary but it’s halved in size so we fly to Cyprus on Saturday. (A bit cheaper but with better odds of success) Shitting myself tbh. I might have to grow up. 

Also, I can’t drink for a few days before I give my sperm in on the Monday which is fine apart from the flight. I hate hate hate flying without a drink so we’re defo gonna crash. 

My sister and brother in law went to Cyprus for the same thing mate.


Worked a treat as my twin nieces are 7 now.


Good luck to you both. Let's hope you get the same outcome as my sister and brother in law did.

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11 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

My sister and brother in law went to Cyprus for the same thing mate.


Worked a treat as my twin nieces are 7 now.


Good luck to you both. Let's hope you get the same outcome as my sister and brother in law did.

Nice one mate that would be the dream 

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17 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Nice one mate that would be the dream 

Makes me appreciate how lucky me and the better half were to conceive naturally, as we now know that not everybody is as lucky.


Don't always feel that way when dealing with 3 grumpy teenage bastards like (although the eldest is 20 next week - just means he'll be a grumpy twenties bastard).

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1 minute ago, Creator Supreme said:

Makes me appreciate how lucky me and the better half were to conceive naturally, as we now know that not everybody is as lucky.


Don't always feel that way when dealing with 3 grumpy teenage bastards like (although the eldest is 20 next week - just means he'll be a grumpy twenties bastard).

Mine can fuck off when they hit 16 tbh




Nah I’m excited really. But yeah I wasn’t bad as a teenager but our kid was a right terror. Sod that 

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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

Mine can fuck off when they hit 16 tbh




Nah I’m excited really. But yeah I wasn’t bad as a teenager but our kid was a right terror. Sod that 

Well he has an excuse, as does the youngest (autism and adhd).


My elder girl is just a grumpy mare of her own volition.

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Got the final go ahead from the clinic last night. They were worried about a small cyst my missus had on her ovary but it’s halved in size so we fly to Cyprus on Saturday. (A bit cheaper but with better odds of success) Shitting myself tbh. I might have to grow up. 

Also, I can’t drink for a few days before I give my sperm in on the Monday which is fine apart from the flight. I hate hate hate flying without a drink so we’re defo gonna crash. 


Great stuff.


I remember well having to go into the little room with a small tv and a few scruffy dvds to get my "sample".  Right outside the door was a doctor and 2 nurses having a right good laugh. In the end I had to go out and tell them to fuck off so I could have a semi-tug to get me swimmers.  Shite experience. 


Cyprus sounds better.

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1 minute ago, JohnnyH said:


Great stuff.


I remember well having to go into the little room with a small tv and a few scruffy dvds to get my "sample".  Right outside the door was a doctor and 2 nurses having a right good laugh. In the end I had to go out and tell them to fuck off so I could have a semi-tug to get me swimmers.  Shite experience. 


Cyprus sounds better.


Had to do it in the Liverpool Women's hospital in the summer. Nurse led me to the room and just basically said come back when you're finished. I took no time at all it was a very weird scenario but I reckon I finished as if I was 16 years old again. My bird and the nurse both looked at me with shock when I strolled back in with my cup. 

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