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They never show that in the movies


Another thing porn lies about!



It is just anything really, I ended up sitting next to her for United at home in the cup and it was unreal. It was non-stop whinging, women's problems, the lot. I ended up siding with her ex


Meh, you were happy to take my extra strong mints at the time.



That's when you know she's got you trapped, she doesn't even bother to pretend to need the toilet, she just keeps a bog roll by the side of the bed for flow backs.


I reckon thats why some women are keen on swallowing, it gives the impression we're all filthy whores when actually we're too lazy to deal with the mess.

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  • 11 years later...

We’ve been accepted onto IVF and have our first proper appointment tomorrow.


She’s been on a health kick for months, no booze and barely any carbs so has been a right pain in the arse. 

A few weeks ago she came back from a dog walk banging on about some woman she’d met in the park who she got talking to about angel healing and all sorts of earth and crystal stuff. 

This afternoon she’s just been to an appointment with her. 90 minutes of massage, oils, soothing sounds etc. apparently the woman has told her she can see us having twins etc. She’s just brought this home and is now convinced not only that it will work but that we’re having twins because some ex-pillhead turned spiritual guide has told her. Whatever works I guess 




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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

We’ve been accepted onto IVF and have our first proper appointment tomorrow.


She’s been on a health kick for months, no booze and barely any carbs so has been a right pain in the arse. 

A few weeks ago she came back from a dog walk banging on about some woman she’d met in the park who she got talking to about angel healing and all sorts of earth and crystal stuff. 

This afternoon she’s just been to an appointment with her. 90 minutes of massage, oils, soothing sounds etc. apparently the woman has told her she can see us having twins etc. She’s just brought this home and is now convinced not only that it will work but that we’re having twins because some ex-pillhead turned spiritual guide has told her. Whatever works I guess 




Good luck anyway mate.


Remember though, IVF and Egg Donation etc does have a higher chance of multiple births, as my sister found out almost 7 years ago.


Luckily my twin nieces are absolutely ace.

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13 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

We’ve been accepted onto IVF and have our first proper appointment tomorrow.


She’s been on a health kick for months, no booze and barely any carbs so has been a right pain in the arse. 

A few weeks ago she came back from a dog walk banging on about some woman she’d met in the park who she got talking to about angel healing and all sorts of earth and crystal stuff. 

This afternoon she’s just been to an appointment with her. 90 minutes of massage, oils, soothing sounds etc. apparently the woman has told her she can see us having twins etc. She’s just brought this home and is now convinced not only that it will work but that we’re having twins because some ex-pillhead turned spiritual guide has told her. Whatever works I guess 




All the best to you both. 

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4 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Good luck, Damo. Got everything crossed for you both, mate. x

If the plant doesn’t work then there are alternatives…



Haha I should have took Annie Roads advice on the first page and let him pop round 


Cheers mate 

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11 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Good luck anyway mate.


Remember though, IVF and Egg Donation etc does have a higher chance of multiple births, as my sister found out almost 7 years ago.


Luckily my twin nieces are absolutely ace.

Yeah a few people have said. Because of her age she can have a double embryo to or something. Plus she’s got a history of twins in her family. I’d be over the moon with just one healthy little Stig. And another dog 

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13 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Yeah a few people have said. Because of her age she can have a double embryo to or something. Plus she’s got a history of twins in her family. I’d be over the moon with just one healthy little Stig. And another dog 

I'd be surprised if she gives birth to that combo

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39 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

We’ve been accepted onto IVF and have our first proper appointment tomorrow.


She’s been on a health kick for months, no booze and barely any carbs so has been a right pain in the arse. 

A few weeks ago she came back from a dog walk banging on about some woman she’d met in the park who she got talking to about angel healing and all sorts of earth and crystal stuff. 

This afternoon she’s just been to an appointment with her. 90 minutes of massage, oils, soothing sounds etc. apparently the woman has told her she can see us having twins etc. She’s just brought this home and is now convinced not only that it will work but that we’re having twins because some ex-pillhead turned spiritual guide has told her. Whatever works I guess 




I was going to wish you luck, but... Are you not worried about bringing up a Bluenose who thinks houseplants have magic powers?

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3 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Good luck to you both , we have a history of twins in the family and when the Mrs was pregnant we looked at " twin insurance " to cover the extra cost that multiple births can cost .

I've no idea if it's available now though 

Twin insurance? Sure you wasn't had off there!

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14 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Good luck, Damo. Got everything crossed for you both, mate. x

If the plant doesn’t work then there are alternatives…



Crossing everything wont help,you need to let the dog see the rabbit,so to speak!


Good luck Stig. You are breaking a lot of Sailor's hearts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Missed this post. Having gone this route after my wife suffered 7 miscarriages, it worked great and now I’m the miserable parent of a 5 and 6 year old. The very best of luck mate. I’ve everything crossed for you including my now unemployed penis. 

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