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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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LFC has never spent money like it did last year, never.


Houllier was brought in partly for his 'little black book' of contacts and managed to build a side with some shrewd buys early on, players like Hyypia. Benetez - IMO - was also brought in because he'd shown he could effectively wage a guerilla war on sides with more cash and pulling power like Real Madrid and Barcelona.


We've never just gone out and gone - bang £30m for a striker - bang £20m for a winger - bang £20m for a midfielder, show me the money.


That's the kind of transfer activity a club does once in a blue moon, even Ferguson only tends to do it when he's lost the title (unless you're owned by a billionaire). It's the kind of transfer activity you invest in to arrest a decline and try and get things back on track - and we didn't, we're actually a worse side.


And Code, Benetez may have lost a few league games in his first year, but winning the CL will offset concerns like that.


All good points.


From an owners perspective, when you have authorised the expenditure on the eighth most expensive footballer in the history of world football, and a manager is being paid as one of the top ten best paid managers in the world, you have expectations commensurate to that spend. Expectations that were not delivered.

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So given we are completeley rudderless with owners who are completely new to the sport who is advising them ? Are they taking these decisions off their own back based on stats and results or are they referring to someone for guidance.

Anyone think there may be something in the Dein rumours that he has been consulted?

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So given we are completeley rudderless with owners who are completely new to the sport who is advising them ? Are they taking these decisions off their own back based on stats and results or are they referring to someone for guidance.

Anyone think there may be something in the Dein rumours that he has been consulted?


No-one knows - which is part of the problem.


Critically you want people who have a stake in the outcome advising on the appointment.


Now if David Dein wants to be CEO and advise - fine. If not, he can fuck off.

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Henry makes Davey Moores seem organised.


Of course he does:


Keeping a manager after he sold his 'Loverpool' story to THAT paper

Joint managers for the Spice Boys

Club shop closed the day after the CL win with no souvenirs in for another month

Seeling to G & H after having 'sleepless nights' about selling to DIC


You're right, the current owners are far worse.


Seriously, there are some fucking cry-babies on here:


'I'll never forgive them'

'Yanks out'

'The club will never be the same again'

'Today is a disaster'


Have a word.


They made a decision, some don't like it. They live and die by that decisions, which is how it should be. Seriously, some of the overreaction on here is pathetic. We have had our disasters, this is not one of them. The club has not died, it nearly did 18 months ago.


A manager who lost 14 league games, won only 6 at home and finished 8th after spending 70m got sacked. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I'm going to reserve my judgement on them for the time being.


They now have probably what they wanted since they took control. They have a blank canvas now. All key positions within the club need filling. They say they have a plan and a strategy. Well, let's see it then. Let's see what they are made of and whether the ambition and scope is there to drag this club forward.


The next month is key. I'd expect all key appointments to be made in that time. The noises coming from the club this morning suggest the DoF and CEO positions will be filled soon, as well as more additions to the board.


It's a case of wait and see now. I'm not going to hang the owners out on this until I see what they do next. The pressure is on them big time now so in actually quite excited to see what their plan is that they keep telling us is in place.


I've got to say I'm not wholly against Kenny's removal. I would have been more than happy to see him given next season but deep down Id be lying if I said the past 12 months hadn't left me with some serious reservations and doubts about our capabilities in the future. I love Kenny and I'm sad it's come to this. I'm not happy with this season but I know that everything he did he did for the good of the club. The man is Liverpool FC. He can be remembered for giving us 3 great days out at Wembley, winning us silverware again.


Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.

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No-one knows - which is part of the problem.


Critically you want people who have a stake in the outcome advising on the appointment.


Now if David Dein wants to be CEO and advise - fine. If not, he can fuck off.




We were always going to be at a disadvantage to our rivals in the forthcoming transfer but unless some quick and quality appointments are made we'll be good as shafted

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Of course he does:


Keeping a manager after he sold his 'Loverpool' story to THAT paper

Joint managers for the Spice Boys

Club shop closed the day after the CL win with no souvenirs in for another month

Seeling to G & H after having 'sleepless nights' about selling to DIC


You're right, the current owners are far worse.


Seriously, there are some fucking cry-babies on here:


'I'll never forgive them'

'Yanks out'

'The club will never be the same again'

'Today is a disaster'


Have a word.


They made a decision, some don't like it. They live and die by that decisions, which is how it should be. Seriously, some of the overreaction on here is pathetic. We have had our disasters, this is not one of them. The club has not died, it nearly did 18 months ago.


A manager who lost 14 league games, won only 6 at home and finished 8th after spending 70m got sacked. Nothing more, nothing less.


Kenny is worthy of a bit more respect than that.

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I'm going to reserve my judgement on them for the time being.


They now have probably what they wanted since they took control. They have a blank canvas now. All key positions within the club need filling. They say they have a plan and a strategy. Well, let's see it then. Let's see what they are made of and whether the ambition and scope is there to drag this club forward.


The next month is key. I'd expect all key appointments to be made in that time. The noises coming from the club this morning suggest the DoF and CEO positions will be filled soon, as well as more additions to the board.


It's a case of wait and see now. I'm not going to hang the owners out on this until I see what they do next. The pressure is on them big time now so in actually quite excited to see what their plan is that they keep telling us is in place.


I've got to say I'm not wholly against Kenny's removal. I would have been more than happy to see him given next season but deep down Id be lying if I said the past 12 months hadn't left me with some serious reservations and doubts about our capabilities in the future. I love Kenny and I'm sad it's come to this. I'm not happy with this season but I know that everything he did he did for the good of the club. The man is Liverpool FC. He can be remembered for giving us 3 great days out at Wembley, winning us silverware again.


Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.


Good post Randy, I agree with almost every single word.

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Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.


Very good post. We have to look forward.


You can not blame the owners for being disappointed with the season we have had and questioning whether Kenny was the right man to move us forward. Seems everybody is worried about what will happen next and who makes the decisions at the club, and i am too, but this is where FSG will show what they have learned about football and Liverpool.

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I'm going to reserve my judgement on them for the time being.


They now have probably what they wanted since they took control. They have a blank canvas now. All key positions within the club need filling. They say they have a plan and a strategy. Well, let's see it then. Let's see what they are made of and whether the ambition and scope is there to drag this club forward.


The next month is key. I'd expect all key appointments to be made in that time. The noises coming from the club this morning suggest the DoF and CEO positions will be filled soon, as well as more additions to the board.


It's a case of wait and see now. I'm not going to hang the owners out on this until I see what they do next. The pressure is on them big time now so in actually quite excited to see what their plan is that they keep telling us is in place.


I've got to say I'm not wholly against Kenny's removal. I would have been more than happy to see him given next season but deep down Id be lying if I said the past 12 months hadn't left me with some serious reservations and doubts about our capabilities in the future. I love Kenny and I'm sad it's come to this. I'm not happy with this season but I know that everything he did he did for the good of the club. The man is Liverpool FC. He can be remembered for giving us 3 great days out at Wembley, winning us silverware again.


Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.


Excellent, Randy.

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I'm going to reserve my judgement on them for the time being.


They now have probably what they wanted since they took control. They have a blank canvas now. All key positions within the club need filling. They say they have a plan and a strategy. Well, let's see it then. Let's see what they are made of and whether the ambition and scope is there to drag this club forward.


The next month is key. I'd expect all key appointments to be made in that time. The noises coming from the club this morning suggest the DoF and CEO positions will be filled soon, as well as more additions to the board.


It's a case of wait and see now. I'm not going to hang the owners out on this until I see what they do next. The pressure is on them big time now so in actually quite excited to see what their plan is that they keep telling us is in place.


I've got to say I'm not wholly against Kenny's removal. I would have been more than happy to see him given next season but deep down Id be lying if I said the past 12 months hadn't left me with some serious reservations and doubts about our capabilities in the future. I love Kenny and I'm sad it's come to this. I'm not happy with this season but I know that everything he did he did for the good of the club. The man is Liverpool FC. He can be remembered for giving us 3 great days out at Wembley, winning us silverware again.


Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.


spot on, nice to see someone with some perspective

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I think the removal of Kenny shows that FSG are not satisfied with 8th place. That indicates for me they want to move the club forward. I have no problem with this. Like many people have said we need to say what their plan is. If it brings success I don't think anyone including Kenny Daglish will regard yesterday as a mistake. However, if FSG do not bring the club success they are finished.

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I think the removal of Kenny shows that FSG are not satisfied with 8th place. That indicates for me they want to move the club forward. I have no problem with this. Like many people have said we need to say what their plan is. If it brings success I don't think anyone including Kenny Daglish will regard yesterday as a mistake. However, if FSG do not bring the club success they are finished.


The dog is called Spot. See Spot play. Spot likes chasing balls.

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The club will never win silverware again so long as FSG are the owners. No manager will give any effort to the CC, FA, or UEFA after what happened to Dalglish, and FSG will never spend enough for us to get close to the PL title or win the CL.


We need a new chant to rally the players to give it all for 4th, (except those years when an English team wins the CL).

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Kenny is worthy of a bit more respect than that.


Of course he is worthy of more respect, but in essence that what this decision is: the removal of a manager who fell short of expectations.


The fact that it was Kenny should be imaterial with regards to the decision in and of itself.

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I'm going to reserve my judgement on them for the time being.


They now have probably what they wanted since they took control. They have a blank canvas now. All key positions within the club need filling. They say they have a plan and a strategy. Well, let's see it then. Let's see what they are made of and whether the ambition and scope is there to drag this club forward.


The next month is key. I'd expect all key appointments to be made in that time. The noises coming from the club this morning suggest the DoF and CEO positions will be filled soon, as well as more additions to the board.


It's a case of wait and see now. I'm not going to hang the owners out on this until I see what they do next. The pressure is on them big time now so in actually quite excited to see what their plan is that they keep telling us is in place.


I've got to say I'm not wholly against Kenny's removal. I would have been more than happy to see him given next season but deep down Id be lying if I said the past 12 months hadn't left me with some serious reservations and doubts about our capabilities in the future. I love Kenny and I'm sad it's come to this. I'm not happy with this season but I know that everything he did he did for the good of the club. The man is Liverpool FC. He can be remembered for giving us 3 great days out at Wembley, winning us silverware again.


Onwards and upwards now. This is where we will see what FSG are made of.


Great post that mate. Spot on and I agree with everything you said.

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No-one knows - which is part of the problem.


Critically you want people who have a stake in the outcome advising on the appointment.


Now if David Dein wants to be CEO and advise - fine. If not, he can fuck off.


that's what FSG are trying to persuade him to do though right?


reading between the lines that is


don't think Dein is interested tho

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So given we are completeley rudderless with owners who are completely new to the sport who is advising them ? Are they taking these decisions off their own back based on stats and results or are they referring to someone for guidance.

Anyone think there may be something in the Dein rumours that he has been consulted?


That's what I was saying to a mate before. I think someone will have been consulted, even if Dein is too old to take the reins full time, he's the kind of person you might sound out when making changes.


Nobody is calling FSG saints, and we don't know a lot about them, but I don't think they've done a lot wrong here when you take the emotion out of it. They've given a manager who'd been out of the game for years a chance because the fans wanted it, they've evaluated the club and decided the top posts needed a change - in the cold light of day, we can't say anybody in those roles was above reproach and that a good case couldn't be made for moving them on.


It all boils down to how FSG want to make money.


The supicion was with G&H from early on that they wanted to 'punp and dump' Liverpool. They weren't serious businessmen, they had a history of bankruptcy and business failure, they wanted to buy the club - build a ground - and sell it at a profit.


FSG seem less concerned with the ground than they do with the club's image, i.e its 'brand'. They've bought the brand as a worldwide pull - BUT - it can only succeed if it's successful on the pitch.


The fans and FSG (hopefully) both want success - it's for different reasons - but they still both want that success IMO.


I don't know how much of their own cash they've put in, if any, but would anybody else? The club wasn't bought as a billionaire's plaything. City and Chelsea are little more than penis extensions for their owners. FSG are businessmen, they're concerned with turnover and 'brand value' rather than hanging photographs on the wall of Vladamir Putin holding a shirt.


From a business standpoint, you would expect to look at an organisation like Liverpool and think 'this isn't realising its poetntial, it's not being run right, if we ran it right it could take off'. Surely they have to be given a chance to do that. After this summer, everyone at the club will be 'their' people, and that's the first chance they've had to say that since they took over.

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