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Have a rant thread

Sugar Ape

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1 hour ago, Mook said:


I don't blame the teachers but the curriculum for young kids now seems to be more about human rights & safe spaces than reading & writing. If I was a qualified teacher, I'd definitely think about home schooling as they seem to spend most of the day filling the kids heads full of shite.


My eight year old was given the ten commandments and asked to put them in order of best to worst, this was for homework, one of them is adultery for fucks sake. They get loads of religious nonsense as well, when we should be moving away from all that dark ages pish.

I'm all for teaching kids about human rights and providing safe spaces; not sure how I would square that with "stop coveting that ox, or God will smite you".

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12 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I'm all for teaching kids about human rights and providing safe spaces; not sure how I would square that with "stop coveting that ox, or God will smite you".


I'm all for teaching kids about human rights too but maybe once you've taught them to read first & given their tiny brains a chance to develop enough to process information like that properly..


Their priorities are all over the shop IMO & religion should be completely removed from school altogether.

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6 hours ago, Mook said:


I'm all for teaching kids about human rights too but maybe once you've taught them to read first & given their tiny brains a chance to develop enough to process information like that properly..


Their priorities are all over the shop IMO & religion should be completely removed from school altogether.

Amen brother.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just seen a clip.on twitter of a girl being burned alive on the subway in New York,and the man who set her on fire was fanning the flames with his coat,and a copper walked past and did fuck all to help her,and numerous people were recording this on their phones. It has really shaken me and I can't lose the images. How the fuck can people be so inhuman and uncaring?

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Cliche youth workers, like boxing coaches who think they're the foremost authority on keeping shitbag kids out of trouble.


Being stabbed, stabbing someone, or having been in a gang, gets you ugatz in my book.

You don’t wanna watch any of Darren Gee’s stuff then 

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8 hours ago, Wembley Trophy said:

Perfectly attractive young girls getting dilly dollied up to look hideous.




How to turn yourself into a pop-eyed, balloon lipped mess.

I know she doesn't stand much of a chance with her as a mum but even so ......


She's 17, you nonce.

  • Haha 1
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9 hours ago, Wembley Trophy said:

Perfectly attractive young girls getting dilly dollied up to look hideous.




How to turn yourself into a pop-eyed, balloon lipped mess.

I know she doesn't stand much of a chance with her as a mum but even so ......



Most young girls in Liverpool look like they've been stung by a puffer fish these days, I thought you were only supposed to fuck with your face when you were old, I thought that was the whole point. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


Most young girls in Liverpool look like they've been stung by a puffer fish these days, I thought you were only supposed to fuck with your face when you were old, I thought that was the whole point. 

Evolution now passes through Beverly Hills plastic surgery clinics.

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