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Have a rant thread

Sugar Ape

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1 hour ago, Liverpool lad said:

People who start the day with big fuck off cans of energy drinks


No food or water


Spend the day complaining of headaches 

A lad who used to work in our team would come in most days with a six pack of redbull type shite and would sit at his desk drinking them throughout the day, by mid afternoon he's sat there shaking like an excited Beavis.


Strange lad too. 

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Those energy drinks are a genuine health menace, my old boss used to drink something like 6 on a nightshift. When he tried to go cold turkey he genuinely couldn't get out of bed for 2-3 days from the withdrawal symptoms. 


I hate the taste of most of them but when I was in America there was a cheap high strength, high alcohol content 660ml can called 4loco. I was playing drinking games and before I knew it I had drunk 3 cans and was bouncing off the walls. When I tried to sleep I could hear my own heart thudding. 


I think kids like to drink them not realising that they are addictive. It's the new smoking. 

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Used to manage a lad who would come in and open a can of monster before 9am. The sound of the can opening used to drive me mad. I’m not a morning person at the best of times but this Cunt used to test my patience big time. Breathing and stuff. Wannabe goth 

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17 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Used to manage a lad who would come in and open a can of monster before 9am. The sound of the can opening used to drive me mad. I’m not a morning person at the best of times but this Cunt used to test my patience big time. Breathing and stuff. Wannabe goth 

Haha what the fucks a wannabe goth?


Dresses in dark clothing but doesn't sit crossed legged in a park with some moody birds?


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24 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I drink energy drinks every day. Usually one on the school run and occasionally one earlier in the day if I’m blitzing the housework. 

The sugar and caffeine offsets my morning spliff. 



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People who spend time telling you how busy they are or wondering why things aren't going well when their lives seemingly have no structure 


I seen some woman on social media asking for people's thoughts on why she felt like she did.  Some Tiktok attention seeking type 


She was wearing the same pyjama top as the day before which she mentioned, carrying a few extra pounds, in a poorly lit room, working on a laptop on a table not designed for working at and started the day with a Prime energy drink


She had trouble sleeping so watches films during the early hours. Drinking goth juice until late evening doesn't help


Suggestions in the comments to address the above fell on deaf ears. Although I suspect anything along the line of 'you poor thing' were lapped up

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13 minutes ago, Liverpool lad said:

People who spend time telling you how busy they are or wondering why things aren't going well when their lives seemingly have no structure 


I seen some woman on social media asking for people's thoughts on why she felt like she did.  Some Tiktok attention seeking type 


She was wearing the same pyjama top as the day before which she mentioned, carrying a few extra pounds, in a poorly lit room, working on a laptop on a table not designed for working at and started the day with a Prime energy drink


She had trouble sleeping so watches films during the early hours. Drinking goth juice until late evening doesn't help


Suggestions in the comments to address the above fell on deaf ears. Although I suspect anything along the line of 'you poor thing' were lapped up


People who talk about their mental health on social media get on my wick.


"Not feeling great today guys". 


"Stay strong."


"It's okay, not to be okay."


Speaking from vivid experience, the first time people know you're having problems is because you withdraw, the absolute last thing you want to do is go online and put your shit in the street.



Mental health in general is too broad a term now. Being down on a Monday isn't a mental health problem, thinking you're going to die when you walk into ASDA is a mental health problem.

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53 minutes ago, Liverpool lad said:

People who spend time telling you how busy they are or wondering why things aren't going well when their lives seemingly have no structure 


I seen some woman on social media asking for people's thoughts on why she felt like she did.  Some Tiktok attention seeking type 


She was wearing the same pyjama top as the day before which she mentioned, carrying a few extra pounds, in a poorly lit room, working on a laptop on a table not designed for working at and started the day with a Prime energy drink


She had trouble sleeping so watches films during the early hours. Drinking goth juice until late evening doesn't help


Suggestions in the comments to address the above fell on deaf ears. Although I suspect anything along the line of 'you poor thing' were lapped up

Pics or GTFO 


41 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


People who talk about their mental health on social media get on my wick.


"Not feeling great today guys". 


"Stay strong."


"It's okay, not to be okay."


Speaking from vivid experience, the first time people know you're having problems is because you withdraw, the absolute last thing you want to do is go online and put your shit in the street.



Mental health in general is too broad a term now. Being down on a Monday isn't a mental health problem, thinking you're going to die when you walk into ASDA is a mental health problem.

Have you seen that American murder next door when he kills his wife and daughters? 

The wife you can understand. Annoying Cunt 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


People who talk about their mental health on social media get on my wick.


"Not feeling great today guys". 


"Stay strong."


"It's okay, not to be okay."


Speaking from vivid experience, the first time people know you're having problems is because you withdraw, the absolute last thing you want to do is go online and put your shit in the street.



Mental health in general is too broad a term now. Being down on a Monday isn't a mental health problem, thinking you're going to die when you walk into ASDA is a mental health problem.


Spot on this.


Every cunt is on the mental health bandwagon now & 99% of them need to shut the fuck up. It's clearly another industry.

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Pics or GTFO 


Have you seen that American murder next door when he kills his wife and daughters? 

The wife you can understand. Annoying Cunt 

And that other one, the young blonde that went off travelling the US in her van with her fella until he snapped and had enough of her doing her videos and pictures.

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21 minutes ago, Mook said:


Spot on this.


Every cunt is on the mental health bandwagon now & 99% of them need to shut the fuck up. It's clearly another industry.


There needs to be more of a distinction between what is genuinely a mental health problem too IMO. 'Stress' for example, as long as it isn't chronic - isn't a mental health problem, it's part of life. 

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3 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

And that other one, the young blonde that went off travelling the US in her van with her fella until he snapped and had enough of her doing her videos and pictures.

Harsh that one 

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3 hours ago, Mook said:


Spot on this.


Every cunt is on the mental health bandwagon now & 99% of them need to shut the fuck up. It's clearly another industry.

Slightly related but it's like when parents are quick to diagnosis their kids as having ADHD when they're being little shits without considering it could be the result of shite parenting.

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