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If they’re animals then he shouldn’t be arsed about them eating other animals then. Never seen him complain about alligators and the cunt lives in Florida! 


This is a man who when he gets asked by a reporter about his court case he calls them evil the most evil question ever. Then he speaks like this! 

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I've started reading How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi.


So far, so good.  Really clear and honest arguments about what racism is and what it takes to defeat it.  One important point that he makes early on is that, when someone calls out the racism in what you do or say, you shouldn't get defensive, or reflexively deny it, or dismiss what they're saying, or accuse them of trying to make you feel guilty; you should just think about why they've said it and consider whether you need to do better next time.


Nice outline of why being "not racist" isn't enough.



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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Racist cunt Pearson cryarsing because the plod want to ask her about tweeting lies to foment racist hatred.


Fuck her.  Fuck her in the ear.




And all the right wing gobshites screaming two tier etc about it. Mutant cunts 

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On 17/09/2024 at 14:32, Bjornebye said:

If they’re animals then he shouldn’t be arsed about them eating other animals then. Never seen him complain about alligators and the cunt lives in Florida! 


This is a man who when he gets asked by a reporter about his court case he calls them evil the most evil question ever. Then he speaks like this! 

That's because they are American alligators. 

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On 22/09/2024 at 12:19, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I've started reading How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi.


So far, so good.  Really clear and honest arguments about what racism is and what it takes to defeat it.  One important point that he makes early on is that, when someone calls out the racism in what you do or say, you shouldn't get defensive, or reflexively deny it, or dismiss what they're saying, or accuse them of trying to make you feel guilty; you should just think about why they've said it and consider whether you need to do better next time.


Nice outline of why being "not racist" isn't enough.



I read an article many years ago stating that if you are a white western Christian how can you not be a racist. While it may seem offensive at first reading it went on to argue that not all that is perceived as "racism" is unjustified in terms of the moral values held by different people. I will see if I can find it but it may even have been pre-internet. (yes, that really did exist)

Maybe today it would be more about difference in cultures and practices rather than race? 

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On 16/11/2024 at 16:40, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Racist cunt Pearson cryarsing because the plod want to ask her about tweeting lies to foment racist hatred.


Fuck her.  Fuck her in the ear.





This is a brilliant read about her. 



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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

couldn’t be arsed searching for the laurence fox thread.

he has posted a video saying sangita myska isnt welcome in "his “country and should "go home"

Yet claims defamation when he gets called racist. Typical racist victim. Hope he gets a nasty batch of heroin. 

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2 hours ago, Arniepie said:

he was also saying if the police turn up,he would be waiting with a hammer

Oh tickets for that please.


Would he be using his theatrical training to play the part of "Bleeding Gobshite" in his own one man play?


"And verily, I say to thee kind officer, please do not strike me again, for I have already shat my pantaloons!"

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21 hours ago, Arniepie said:

couldn’t be arsed searching for the laurence fox thread.

he has posted a video saying sangita myska isnt welcome in "his “country and should "go home"

Remember when Naga Munchetty got rebuked by the BBC for pointing out that that's a racist thing to say?  That was another great day on Normal Island.

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