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Avon Barksdale or Stringer Bell?


Who best yo?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Who best yo?

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My mate gave me The Wire first series on DVD, I watched the first 2 episodes & was not impressed with the acting at all & it's been gathering dust for weeks, I take it I should give it another go?


Also, just to point out that none of the actors involved are welcome to come round to mine for a shit.

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He can come and shit in my house any time he likes




just to point out that none of the actors involved are welcome to come round to mine for a shit.



I would mate. Takes a bit to get going but it is immense

You werent invited

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  • 6 years later...

How anyone can vote stringer over Avon is a mystery to me. Stringer ended up unravelling and was a bit of a bully and cunt. Avon played a game and was mostly good to everyone. Just a cool cat. Rivals T for my favourite ever crim.



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On 06/10/2014 at 10:26, Mook said:

My mate gave me The Wire first series on DVD, I watched the first 2 episodes & was not impressed with the acting at all & it's been gathering dust for weeks, I take it I should give it another go?


Also, just to point out that none of the actors involved are welcome to come round to mine for a shit.

Did you give it another go? 

Any thespians been dropping turds round at yours yet?

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15 minutes ago, belarus said:

Did you give it another go? 

Any thespians been dropping turds round at yours yet?

I did watch most of the first series but gave up again, that was last year.


My shitter is an actor free zone thankfully.

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