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Merry Christmas


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8 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

First Christmas since my stepdaughter died. Tough day. Kids have enjoyed it. Her partner and my Mrs have really struggled. Having a beer now the Mrs is very upset. 

And I thought I was having a shit Christmas. Put's everything into perspective that.

Thoughts are with you and yours.

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For reasons mentioned earlier we didn’t do the ‘tree presents’ until later on today. Kept a couple of the better ones back for the kids, as you do. One of the last ones purposely stuffed down behind was Turdsette’s new home shirt with Virgil 4 on the back. Happiest she’d been all day. Absolutely bouncing, she was, big hugs, ran off to change out of her Xmas jumper and put it on straight away. 

That’s what it’s all about, man. 

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4 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

For reasons mentioned earlier we didn’t do the ‘tree presents’ until later on today. Kept a couple of the better ones back for the kids, as you do. One of the last ones purposely stuffed down behind was Turdsette’s new home shirt with Virgil 4 on the back. Happiest she’d been all day. Absolutely bouncing, she was, big hugs, ran off to change out of her Xmas jumper and put it on straight away. 

That’s what it’s all about, man. 


That sounds brilliant mate. My youngest already has loads of Liverpool tops, so he asked for a mysterykit box (they send you a random kit from any world league). He ended up with Roundglass Punjab away! Pretty nice kit to be fair, if very random.


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1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:


That sounds brilliant mate. My youngest already has loads of Liverpool tops, so he asked for a mysterykit box (they send you a random kit from any world league). He ended up with Roundglass Punjab away! Pretty nice kit to be fair, if very random.


You’ve gotta take him to one of their games now. 

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12 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Merry Xmas, you cunts. 

I’ve got no presents. None. They’re still under the tree. We can’t open the tree presents because the boy is too hungover and been sent back to bed. 

I was looking forward to a fresh pair of socks as well. Bastard. 

How old is he? Remember when I was 18 my mate swearing he was drinking pop. Near end of the night he was so pissed he ended up fighting then as bouncers kicked him out arguing " that's a yellow card offence " next day he said he was so ill he couldn't eat his Christmas dinner

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

Hope you're OK mate 

I'm fine mate thanks apart from a bad case of the lurgy, the type that tricks you into thinking you're over the worst of it then comes back and twats you. Had it over a week.


Mrs HL's got it and a couple of the Grandkids who we probably caught it off.

One of them is asthmatic and ended up in hospital for a few nights at the beginning of the week because his chest was that bad, he's much improved now though thankfully.

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Well, I've been feeling like ass since I flew back to the States from home last week. Seems to be something you have to accept if you're going to participate in air travel these days. 


I didn't see the point in doing the test (even though I suspected it) before because whether it was Covid or not I didn't see the difference, I was sick, it sucked, I was clearly contagious, so I stayed out of everyone's way.


My symptoms changed today. Hot flushes, headache, nausea. I'd already ruled myself out of going to the in-laws (which got me in the doghouse), so I just did the test out of curiosity. Yep. Covid. 


Another Christmas in the trenches.


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9 hours ago, Chris said:

Well, I've been feeling like ass since I flew back to the States from home last week. Seems to be something you have to accept if you're going to participate in air travel these days. 


I didn't see the point in doing the test (even though I suspected it) before because whether it was Covid or not I didn't see the difference, I was sick, it sucked, I was clearly contagious, so I stayed out of everyone's way.


My symptoms changed today. Hot flushes, headache, nausea. I'd already ruled myself out of going to the in-laws (which got me in the doghouse), so I just did the test out of curiosity. Yep. Covid. 


Another Christmas in the trenches.


Hot flushes? I’m no doctor, but it sounds more like it could be the menopause.




(Get well soon from the Covid.) 

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35 minutes ago, tokyojoe said:

You wouldn't wanna see.....

I wasn’t asking sexually - I just wanted to caption them and put them on Twitter.


However, as Vald says, after the Susan Boyle Sexual Fantasyathon I wouldn’t put it past a few people on here to get excited.

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