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Merry Christmas


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15 minutes ago, Elite said:

I feel for you. it's a fucking ball ache, especially when you are too lazy to have any sort of system to do it, like cutting sellotape in advance etc.


My wrapping consists of jagged cutting of paper, uneven folds, constantly trying to peel sellotape and then just sticking it on anywhere and lots swearing. The end result ends up looking like a the paper on the outside of a Warburton's loaf that's been molested by Edward Scissorhands.


Some of the ones that I wrapped could probably be opened by breathing near them, mate. My system is simple. Get the paper on, fuck how it looks. 

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4 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:


Some of the ones that I wrapped could probably be opened by breathing near them, mate. My system is simple. Get the paper on, fuck how it looks. 


I go to the other extreme - wrap 'em up like Fort Knox to annoy people. Get the paper insanely tight, sellotape all the seams and then put extra on in both directions just for good measure. I didn't get a Lego Millennium Falcon, so my nephew's not going to get his easy.


It's particularly good for annoying my mum, who always says she wants to keep the pretty paper, like she's living through the Blitz.

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8 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I go to the other extreme - wrap 'em up like Fort Knox to annoy people. Get the paper insanely tight, sellotape all the seams and then put extra on in both directions just for good measure. I didn't get a Lego Millennium Falcon, so my nephew's not going to get his easy.


It's particularly good for annoying my mum, who always says she wants to keep the pretty paper, like she's living through the Blitz.


She spent hours wrapping pressies for her nieces and nephews the other day. When I got the tree up I walked over to the dog with it and he shit himself so he's completely ignored it...... the presents though. I told her not to leave them downstairs. He tore one to fucking pieces while we were out. My fault of course. We do good cop bad cop with him so if one tells him off the other doesn't. He came over and started cuddling into me, oh she loved that. 

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37 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I go to the other extreme - wrap 'em up like Fort Knox to annoy people. Get the paper insanely tight, sellotape all the seams and then put extra on in both directions just for good measure. I didn't get a Lego Millennium Falcon, so my nephew's not going to get his easy.


It's particularly good for annoying my mum, who always says she wants to keep the pretty paper, like she's living through the Blitz.

You’re a bastard. My in-laws do shit like that. A box inside a box inside a box. Knobheads. 

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4 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


That's what I plan to do to my nephew this year. Got some sprout-flavour lip balm to go in the smallest box. 

And all the adults will laugh along but inside they’re screaming “JUST FUCKING GET ON WITH IT.”


And you know this but do it anyway. Like I said, bastard. 

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On 21/12/2023 at 17:18, Bjornebye said:

I've got my Christmas present tonight. She's got us tickets to Tom Meighan and Noel Gallagher at the Echo. Can't wait. 


You poor bastard. There was one single off that council sky thing called easy now which passed for pretty decent for him but everything else radio x plays from him is absolutely fucking terrible, cliché soaked, plagiarised, unimaginative dirge. 


Genuinely hope you have a nice time though. 

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9 hours ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

Full bar pic for those who love pub comparisons.

I love it, I'm always fascinated by the way each pub sets it stuff out, different beers etc.



Three terrible beers right there, sadly. 

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