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Merry Christmas


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8 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


She started the tradition (in Britain) of bringing a tree into the house for Christmas. Not, as often thought, Prince Albert, who was merely pictured with one which popularised it.

Haha, I misread your previous post as Charlotte Church so you can imagine my confusion while reading this 

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I couldn’t think of a single thing to buy for my ten year old but then I had a brainwave a couple of days back. Thought back to when we were at my sister’s a few weeks ago and my niece had a fold-up air hockey table that Turdsette wouldn’t leave alone. Found it on offer at Argos. Job done. Very pleased with myself. 

Upside is she’s got a surprise ‘big’ present to open which is boss for her and boss for us to watch her open. Downside is I’m gonna have to pretend to be shit at air hockey for the next few months at least. 

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2 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I couldn’t think of a single thing to buy for my ten year old but then I had a brainwave a couple of days back. Thought back to when we were at my sister’s a few weeks ago and my niece had a fold-up air hockey table that Turdsette wouldn’t leave alone. Found it on offer at Argos. Job done. Very pleased with myself. 

Upside is she’s got a surprise ‘big’ present to open which is boss for her and boss for us to watch her open. Downside is I’m gonna have to pretend to be shit at air hockey for the next few months at least. 

How much did you pay for that mate? I’m stuck for what to get my 9 year old girl. She loves playing them in the arcade with me so I’m tempted to get one. 

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2 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I’ve got more than three quarters of the wrapping done and dusted this morning. She hasn’t wrapped a single one. 

I feel for you. it's a fucking ball ache, especially when you are too lazy to have any sort of system to do it, like cutting sellotape in advance etc.


My wrapping consists of jagged cutting of paper, uneven folds, constantly trying to peel sellotape and then just sticking it on anywhere and lots swearing. The end result ends up looking like a the paper on the outside of a Warburton's loaf that's been molested by Edward Scissorhands.

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