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Merry Christmas


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Merry Christmas you bunch of fuckwits. All the best to you and yours.


Lording it with champagne at the mo. Hoegaarden fest imminent. Christmas dinner will be an evening affair at my sister's farm. Log fire, wine and Hine cognac to follow. Happy days. Have a good one chaps & chicks x

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Last night I got thinking after a few drinks and a few doobies how special Christmas actually was. My folks spoilt me rotten as a kid. I still remember not sleeping and sneaking onto the stairs every chance I could to see if Santa had been only to be told to get back to bed. I'd eventually fall asleep only to be woken by my mum with a massive smile on her face saying 'He's been' and I'd rush downstairs to all sorts of class stuff. 

I'm just a bit bummed it took me this long to remind myself of this. I wish I got in the Christmas spirit a lot earlier and actually bought my mum something that would put a smile on her face. She was happy with what she got, she got what she asked for and a little bit more, but as I lay awake last night I just couldn't help but wish I treated her to something special. 

It easy to forget how special Christmas used to be as a kid, we get older and more miserable and only look forward to the days off drinking, but last night I went to bed with a smile on my face knowing kids all over the place are going to be doing the same thing I was 20 years ago and waking up to toys, games and all sorts. (There's poor sods who will get nowt of course, but I was buzzed, I didn't want to get thinking about them)

Hope everyone has a lovely one x

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 years later...

Pretty much the start of holidays for me. Got 3 days off now, then in for 4 and off for a week going back xmas night. 


So annual viewing of Home Alone. 


Still as brilliant as ever



Actually looking forward to next year as I'm off for the first time in about 15 years and hoping to book boxing day to New year's off and enjoy it for once


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