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Merry Christmas


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My eldest nipped out Christmas Eve and bought me some socks. I got zip from the youngest, or the wife. 

It took the wife’s mother approximately 15 seconds, on Christmas Day, to begin informing me how fantastic the husband of her other daughter is. 

We still had a nice day though, the food was great and I enjoyed being with my kids and wife. Reflected on how lucky I am for all that I have. I really don’t deserve it.

That I always think it could all collapse in a heartbeat is a driver to be better, but also incredibly draining. 

Went for a walk in the woods, Christmas morning, to spend some time with my Dad and Brother. I hope they are together, wherever they are.

With any luck they’re with my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin.

She made a mean meat pie, for Boxing Day, and she loved her little brother (my Dad).

My Uncle played the piano, and always did the washing up. He was quiet, but loved all of us in his own way. He was still giving me a few coins as they left, even when I was in my twenties. 


Our Cousin was unfairly good looking, and uber cool. He captured many of our big family Christmases, from years gone by, with the camera he would go on to make the primary tool of his trade. 

All gone now of course, but never too far away. 

Thoughts with all those who’ve lost loved ones this year.

It really is a bit of a bollocks isn’t it!

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1 hour ago, Carradona said:

In-laws to-be invited us all out to their family home in a small town about an hour outside Paris for Christmas. Just what our family needed after mum's passing in June. Half of the in-laws are Brazilian and the other half are French, it has been an amazing week immersing ourselves in their different cultures and traditions.


Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël and Feliz Natal to all! I wish you all a healthy 2024 

*bursts into spontaneous rendition of Feliz Navidad, the ear worm of Christmas at Champ Towers

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20 hours ago, Chris said:



Feel better soon mate. If it's any consolation, I've felt loads better this afternoon after another rough morning.

Cheers mate. I'm feeling much better but still testing positive. The snot seems to be hanging round a lot. Glad you're on the up, too, pal and hopefully this was the last rough morning for you.

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9 hours ago, littletedwest said:

Hope you're better soon. I had covid Christmas 2020. It was when you legally had to isolate. I still worked in retail so my ten day isolation meant I missed the worst time at work and food shopping with the Mrs. I was allowed out on Xmas day. 

I quite like Christmas it's just the lead up I don't like so it was a brilliant one for me.

Thanks, Ted. I suppose that was a good win for 2020, hahaha.


Read your earlier post too and I hope everybody is OK, mate.

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