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55 minutes ago, sir roger said:

Stokes hamstring gone again

Him bowling 23 overs in the first knock seemed a bit odd in the circumstances


He bowled more overs than Carse, and our spinner didn't bowl a single ball. 


You'd imagine our army of laptop gimps would be on top of this stuff. Seemingly not. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just consider the game situation had India been bowled out in the 1st session today, then compare it to how things stand right now. Like night and day, all because they toughed out an extra session with the bat.


It shows both the worth in sticking it out as a batsman when the chips are down, plus it brings all the strategy involved in this very unique but great game to the fore.


When was the last time a 5-Test series was so evenly poised on Australian shores?? I fucking love it!

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