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Guest Pistonbroke
Im guessing thats not Germany as the the shields say Policja and not Polizie or is it Polizia?


Is that Poland or the Ukraine?


Germany is Polizei mate.

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Slightly back on topic , an interesting piece from a poster on the Guardian forum re spains 100 billion bailout....




What is happening is - politicians transferring banking debt to taxpayers and magically calling it our debt.


We pay tax for services - not any more


We are now to pay tax to service banking debt -


And British taxpayers will be fleeced by George Osborne - via the IMF to continue this


They still have £TRILLIONS to transfer and will continue to do this until 2018 - by which time it will take until the next century for taxpayers to clear all this banking debt


Make no mistake - this is not our debt - this is not sovereign debt


Moody's - the credit rating agency - has admitted it committed fraud by rating junk investments as AAA safe to ensure American banks could dump their bad debt on European banks - which is why they are all bust -


American banks and American credit rating agencies defrauding Europe's banks of Trillions


The American government stated while Moody's have admitted fraud it must be European Leaders who take them to court as the fraud was committed in Europe


Now - is Angel Merkel taking Moody's to court ?


Is David Cameron taking Moody's to court?



Have they informed the people of Europe they can take Moody's to court because Moody's admitted the fraud to the American Securities and Exchange commission on 31st August 2010


Now - fraud against European banks has been admitted and not one European politician informing the people of Europe


Fraud to the tune of trillions instead transferred to the taxpayers of Europe as their debt


And then Merkel moving to take financial control of all Europe -


All in it together - very much so - but it is about defrauding European people (including us) of £trillions


The biggest financial fraud in the history of the world - and Merkel and Cameron say nothing and do nothing despite Moody's admitting it!


We pay tax for services - not to service banking debt.


Every European country should force the IMF to hold all the debt - until we get investigations into


What Moody's did and how much was involved - who bought the junk rated by them and which American institution actually passed on this junk as "good investments" fraudulently rated by Moody's


Let the IMF hold every penny of the "banking debt" from Europe and all banks stop trading until all their balance sheets are totalled and all the bad debt added up - and then let them all sink in to the sewer they created


Let the banks sink - and then taxpayers will once again pay taxes for services


This is not our debt - this is fraud


The thing about Moody's was interesting yet there is very little about it on the internet apart from something by the Washington Post. Anyone know any more about why the case of fraud wasn't pursued?

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They are releasing money to lend to countries in the shit knowing damn well these countries will be in their debt and having to pay back a lot more than they borrow, they are not just printing money you spastic!!!!!!!!!



They are creating money, that's a fact. They hope to inflate themselves out of debt. That is a fact. I think you will therefore find that you are the spastic.


BTW, that made me laugh you Tory wannabe arse licking fuckwit.



Jesus Christ, what is your problem?


Fucking hell, I will never understand how people can be sound for years, and then just go off on you like an absolute prick for no reason.


'Eat penguin shit!'


The above statement was attached to you neg and is due to me criticising the Royal Family so yes you are a Royal worshipper.



Okay, I see it's just your famous logic at work again. That post was merely a convenient one to neg you for negging me with a similarly shitty remark some weeks ago.


When you accuse people of being as 'thick as pigshit' it just fuels their argument more and makes you look arrogant instead.



I'd rather be arrogant than an ignorant tinfoil-hat-wearing retard.

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Guest Pistonbroke




Jesus Christ, what is your problem?




Do you really have to ask that. Best we both go on ignore as you post nothing what interests me and you are just an arrogant tosser.

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Yes, I do have to ask, because while I've had many problems with certifiable retards like dennis tooth, dickie mint and Vlad Lenin, I can't ever recall saying anything off to you.


A retard? Haha.

There is only one prime candidate for this and you'll see him if you look in your mirror.


You've also confirmed yourself as king of the revenge neggers too.

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Guest Pistonbroke

Spain threatening to flex its puny muscles now, Greece fucked anyway...how long can these fuckers thing they can overspend and be bailed out? Personally i think they should fuck the € off, no fucker wanted it, just a shit idea which will ruin a hell of a lot of peoples business's and lives, apart from Merkel and the German economy, but if it fails it will have a knock on affect in introducing old/new currencies and the Germans will probably suffer on export.

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