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we had to support a rebuilt germany though otherwise we'd of had versailles mk 2 and we had to ensure west germany was strong to ensure the russians never ran in

saying that though we'll end up in some sort of conflict due to all this shite[/QUOTE]


I'm no historian , but all these events seem to be heading toward some kind of scrap.

Fairly selfish to say , but I'm glad I have daughters and not sons.

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I'm no economist, but I just don't understand how the whole world can be broke. Apparently China is fucked now too. If economics is artificial, can't we just reboot?


Know what you mean , where the fuck is all the money we cant all be broke surely?

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Guest Pistonbroke
I'm no economist, but I just don't understand how the whole world can be broke. Apparently China is fucked now too. If economics is artificial, can't we just reboot?


My 11 year old son says they should just print more, bless him.


I think if you look at society in general across the board each country has far too many rich people who hoard their money or invest in other rich peoples businesses, then you have average Joe who is just happy to struggle along and is happy to have his job, then you have far too many poor people who rely on social hand outs to survive. The class system is the problem as the money doesn't get used in the right areas. Even communist countries like China have classes, rich and then the poor without a very small middle class so to speak.

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Apparently we are not in great shape either. There was a report last week claiming our own banks are sitting on undisclosed debts of almost 40 billion. There was an opinion piece somewhere suggesting that this is the real issue behind our current economical stagnation and not whether governments are cutting too fast or not enough. Until banks are issuing loans and credits to healthy businesses in sufficient numbers the situation is unlikely to change. Which they will not be doing any time soon as there is this huge black hole of debt they are busy trying to conceal.

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Guest Scaramanga
Is there an apetite for that over there though? I get the impression your average German wishes everyone would just fuck off.


Your comment made me think about an anecdote I read in a book a couple of years ago dude, and always makes me chuckle:


A British army lad being shown a German armoured division's latest tank by a German officer, "Note the high axle on the Leopard, this is so we won't get bogged down on the Steppes again", he said, with a glint in his eye....

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Guest Pistonbroke
Don't patronise him, that's exactly what they have been doing.


No they haven't...the Germans and other better off countries have been lending money knowing they can control the economical side of Europe. To suggest they are just printing more money suggests you are a shite politician and the cunt i hold you for.

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No they haven't...the Germans and other better off countries have been lending money knowing they can control the economical side of Europe. To suggest they are just printing more money suggests you are a shite politician and the cunt i hold you for.



I'm not a politician.


I'm well aware that you aren't tolerant of people who have different political opinions to you, but I think that makes you the cunt, not me.


The Eurozone has definitely being employing quantitative easing ie creating more money.

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Guest Pistonbroke
I'm not a politician.


I'm well aware that you aren't tolerant of people who have different political opinions to you, but I think that makes you the cunt, not me.


The Eurozone has definitely being employing quantitative easing ie creating more money.


They are releasing money to lend to countries in the shit knowing damn well these countries will be in their debt and having to pay back a lot more than they borrow, they are not just printing money you spastic!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Pistonbroke
I'm not a politician.


I'm well aware that you aren't tolerant of people who have different political opinions to you, but I think that makes you the cunt, not me.


The Eurozone has definitely being employing quantitative easing ie creating more money.


BTW, that made me laugh you Tory wannabe arse licking fuckwit.

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The ECB is not allowed to directly lend to other Governments so there has been two rounds of them flooding the market with bonds at the rate of 1%. The banks which have bought these then buy Government debt. It's kind of subcontracting the role out to other EU banks who in return make a tidy profit.

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The only you can print more money is by creating more debt. No problem in this climate. Then through fractional reserves can in turn create more debt and more money. If everyone in the world paid back everyone they owed money to, there still wouldn't be enough money to break even because of interest that has been created out of thin air. Welcome to banking and the monetary system. Welcome to slavery.

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Tory apologist? Royal worshipper? Ivory tower?


On the meths again, I take it?


I see you are as detached from reality as VladimirFuckwit.


I'm not condescending or patronising - you can't blame me if some people are just thick as pig shit.


'Eat penguin shit!'


The above statement was attached to you neg and is due to me criticising the Royal Family so yes you are a Royal worshipper.


On the Meths?


Im a teetotaller actually.


When you accuse people of being as 'thick as pigshit' it just fuels their argument more and makes you look arrogant instead.

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