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Guest Pistonbroke

It's a massive fuck up to save the Euro mate. it stinks, Germany pushed this currency through and before long the cunts will have control of the most powerful continent in the World.

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It's a massive fuck up to save the Euro mate. it stinks, Germany pushed this currency through and before long the cunts will have control of the most powerful continent in the World.


Is there an apetite for that over there though? I get the impression your average German wishes everyone would just fuck off.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Is there an apetite for that over there though? I get the impression your average German wishes everyone would just fuck off.


When the € was first introduced your average German didn't want it but the Government pushed it through regardless. They knew at the time that this new currency would heavily benefit the Germans economically and so it is proving to be so. Your average German is prepared to work for peanuts as long as you don't put up the price of beer or make them work long hours. They whine about the government but rarely do they do anything about it and the Unions are in league with the government. The workers follow like sheep, which is a dangerous thing to do if your leader is a cunt.

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Is there an appetite for controlling the whole of Europe in Germany? Yes, just a bit (!!!)


I think LF meant through conflict rather than diplomacy.


Why do you fear Germany so much?

Is it because they have much better workers rights and pay and by having a strong economy with a large home manufacturing base that it makes this tory governments policies look ridiculous?

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Guest Pistonbroke
I think LF meant through conflict rather than diplomacy.


Why do you fear Germany so much?

Is it because they have much better workers rights and pay and by having a strong economy with a large home manufacturing base that it makes this tory governments policies look ridiculous?


That is so far from reality mate.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Well I'd like an independent comparison between the UK and Germany mate as its pretty much non existent in the UK.


I dont think workers rights are great anywhere,its just degrees of being less shitty as compared to others.


True. But Germany are far away from fair wages unless you work for certain firms or in the top paid jobs. Most people are shit scared of losing their job so pay rises are shite if you get one at all. If you lose your job the chances of finding the same employment for the same wages are nearly none existent.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Welcome to a VladimirIlyich post.


I prefer his posts to your own, you are just a Tory arse licking cunt. With Vlad i can communicate and put a fair perspective across, you are just a condescending and patronizing twat . Negged....i shall enjoy your usual revenge neg you shit head.

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Slightly back on topic , an interesting piece from a poster on the Guardian forum re spains 100 billion bailout....




What is happening is - politicians transferring banking debt to taxpayers and magically calling it our debt.


We pay tax for services - not any more


We are now to pay tax to service banking debt -


And British taxpayers will be fleeced by George Osborne - via the IMF to continue this


They still have £TRILLIONS to transfer and will continue to do this until 2018 - by which time it will take until the next century for taxpayers to clear all this banking debt


Make no mistake - this is not our debt - this is not sovereign debt


Moody's - the credit rating agency - has admitted it committed fraud by rating junk investments as AAA safe to ensure American banks could dump their bad debt on European banks - which is why they are all bust -


American banks and American credit rating agencies defrauding Europe's banks of Trillions


The American government stated while Moody's have admitted fraud it must be European Leaders who take them to court as the fraud was committed in Europe


Now - is Angel Merkel taking Moody's to court ?


Is David Cameron taking Moody's to court?



Have they informed the people of Europe they can take Moody's to court because Moody's admitted the fraud to the American Securities and Exchange commission on 31st August 2010


Now - fraud against European banks has been admitted and not one European politician informing the people of Europe


Fraud to the tune of trillions instead transferred to the taxpayers of Europe as their debt


And then Merkel moving to take financial control of all Europe -


All in it together - very much so - but it is about defrauding European people (including us) of £trillions


The biggest financial fraud in the history of the world - and Merkel and Cameron say nothing and do nothing despite Moody's admitting it!


We pay tax for services - not to service banking debt.


Every European country should force the IMF to hold all the debt - until we get investigations into


What Moody's did and how much was involved - who bought the junk rated by them and which American institution actually passed on this junk as "good investments" fraudulently rated by Moody's


Let the IMF hold every penny of the "banking debt" from Europe and all banks stop trading until all their balance sheets are totalled and all the bad debt added up - and then let them all sink in to the sewer they created


Let the banks sink - and then taxpayers will once again pay taxes for services


This is not our debt - this is fraud

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I actually can't believe it's been allowed to happen to be honest, if any of the press companies had a shred of dignity they would start pushing the truth a bit more about the real 'epic swindle' that took place over the last few years, educating the masses to the fact that massive amounts of private debt has been shifted onto public books while those private entities have continued to make massive profits, cut jobs and build up their balance sheets all on taxpayers money.


People who swallow the bollocks about how the credit card was 'maxed out' under Labour are blind, they were in manning the ship while it hit the iceberg and should have been better prepared but not many could forsee the switcheroo that was about to take place.


I wonder if your average Joes flawed business hits the rocks then the government would consume their debts an allow them to continue paying themselves and their staff massive wages.


I'm just off to write a business plan....

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I prefer his posts to your own, you are just a Tory arse licking cunt. With Vlad i can communicate and put a fair perspective across, you are just a condescending and patronizing twat . Negged....i shall enjoy your usual revenge neg you shit head.


Top rant.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Would they fuck mate


I say it all it all the time, if you ran a corner shop like the elite run the world you'd be closed down and in nick in no time


They don't give a shit about the smaller businessman/woman. Loads of small businesses go to the wall on a regular basis, if it is a bigger one where members of parliament have an interest in they bail them out. Then you have the banks who run each country and get away with shit all the time.

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Its a class place and the people are boss


dont be sucked in to the stereotype or the mail/express thinking on the euro zone


i'm not happy with the way germany's leaders see the solution for europe but i dont think its a defacto conquering of europe via the back door

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Only passed briefly through an outer town , so I couldn't say - but I could never live in a country where they dress so shambolically it's actually painful to look at them.


Spent a fair amount of time working over there, it has it's problems as all countries do but it's far more functional than the UK could ever be. Critically it hasn't lost the concept of society and communities.


The concern is that a federal EU state will be inherently undemocratic, run by unaccountable EU bureaucrats who will go out of their way to remain unaccountable with Germany having an unhealthy disproportionate influence due to it being by far the most powerful economy.


If we head down the road of full fiscal union then sovereign governments become redundant. What's the point of voting for your national government if it no longer has any control over it's ability to tax and spend? We're heading for a federal state by the back door allowing the current EU elites to maintain their position of authority without ever becoming accountable.


If this is direction the EU chooses then surely the discussion at the moment should be centered around the formation and structure of an elected EU executive accountable to the EU parliament? Strangely it doesn't even seem to be a consideration, I wonder why?


As for the bankers, privatise profit and socialise debt. Another round of bonuses on the way?

Edited by clangers
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Wouldnt expect any other answer from a Tory apologist and Royal worshipper.


Life must be lonely in that Ivory Tower.



Tory apologist? Royal worshipper? Ivory tower?


On the meths again, I take it?


I prefer his posts to your own, you are just a Tory arse licking cunt. With Vlad i can communicate and put a fair perspective across, you are just a condescending and patronizing twat . Negged....i shall enjoy your usual revenge neg you shit head.



I see you are as detached from reality as VladimirFuckwit.


I'm not condescending or patronising - you can't blame me if some people are just thick as pig shit.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Its a class place and the people are boss


dont be sucked in to the stereotype or the mail/express thinking on the euro zone


i'm not happy with the way germany's leaders see the solution for europe but i dont think its a defacto conquering of europe via the back door


They are definitely feathering their own nest to be the economical boss. I wouldn't live here if i didn't think it was a nice country to bring up my family, but they definitely see themselves as the major power in Europe and they have achieved this economically and planned for it. Losing the War paid for a new Germany and gave them a financial stability other countries wouldn't have got under the same circumstances.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Tory apologist? Royal worshipper? Ivory tower?


On the meths again, I take it?





I see you are as detached from reality as VladimirFuckwit.


I'm not condescending or patronising - you can't blame me if some people are just thick as pig shit.


How do you know these people are thick? You know nothing about them! Maybe they just struggle to come across on the internet to your high Tory standards. You are definitely a patronising shit.


Thanks for the anticipated revenge neg.

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