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Vintage wankfest, Pamela Anderson or Jet?


Teenage kicks  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Teenage kicks

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  • 4 years later...

Did you lot know that Pamela Anderson was Canada's Centennial Baby...she was the first baby born January 1, 1967 100 years after the BNA Act came into being.


She is anti-seal hunt so this Jet woman for me but she has bigger arms than me so handjobs are out, might have to come up with something else.


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Pam hands down. I remember about 10 years ago her being in that Alan Carr show when he was that long haired pricks side kick and she was on it. I remember having to go to the toilet to knock one out half way through she is so dirt. Making you leave your wife on the sofa to have a danger wank in the toilet without taking your clothes off means you win

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