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Im not proclaiming to be anything resembling a linguist by the way, anyone who learns any of the Chinese/Mandarin/whatever languages are clearly the winner here. Those are mental hard languages, i've heard there are insane amounts of vowels before you even start to piece it together. Major respect to anyone who has actually pulled it off.



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I'm learning basic arabic just now, it's brutal.


I've already given up on ever being able to read or write it, it's just fucking squiggles with dots. I can manage to speak a few phrases and have lessons for another couple of months so should hopefully get a bit better.

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I'm learning basic arabic just now, it's brutal.


I've already given up on ever being able to read or write it, it's just fucking squiggles with dots. I can manage to speak a few phrases and have lessons for another couple of months so should hopefully get a bit better.


I felt that way with writing/reading Traditional Chinese characters... but it just suddenly got easier and those weird slashes and marks made started to make sense, and I could remember them.


Granted, I can read a LOT more than I can write.

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speak decent Spanish. i used to be pretty fluent, but have gotten very rusty in the last 10 years or so.

i speak conversational Italian after learning just this year, and I could probably get by in France quite happily.


Would love to speak Cantonese or some mad shit like that, but it's fuckng impossible. I once bought one of those CD and book things, and it blew my head off in about 2 minutes so I haven't touched it since.

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Get the fuck in! According to red banjo my fluency in Japanese decrees me as the winner! Tit reppage please! Can also speak German fluently and a bit of French and Spanish. Still working on the English though.

Chicken Licken - you need to add 'n' to the end of hanasemase. おっぱいの写真見たいよ!

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Get the fuck in! According to red banjo my fluency in Japanese decrees me as the winner! Tit reppage please! Can also speak German fluently and a bit of French and Spanish. Still working on the English though.

Chicken Licken - you need to add 'n' to the end of hanasemase. おっぱいの写真見たいよ!


These do?


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