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Basically, I'm a spiteful bastard and want to nail some fucker who's been jerking me about on eBay for an item they do/don't/do/don't/do/don't/won/don't want they bought off me last night.


Any ideas how to do it? I'm not big on the gay porn scene.

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Why, not even 5 minutes ago, Strontium Dogfucker sent me a private message reminding to use lube when fucking the corpse of my grandmother.



I didn't send you a PM, I responded to your repeated spamming of my profile.


Let's face it, you have to be a thick incest-loving corpse-fucking cunt not to understand the difference between a PM and a visitor message.

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If you're going to post offensive messages about me on my profile, I'm going to respond to them. At least it saves you boring the entire forum with that shit (well, for 5 minutes at least).


I let sleeping dogs lie for quite a few days, but you refused to let it go.




Stronts, old chum, I'm happy to let bygones be bygones.


To even the most casual observer, this isn't really an equal contest anyway; you're a fucking hapless cock, and you're not really clever enough in the first place. I totally twat you everywhere on every thread we happen to fall out on. But you come back, again and again, like a beaten cur that doesn't rewally know where else to go.


I suppose in many ways you are what you are: an ordinary, average, dull person with vaguely objectionable views who would probably be tolerated in the average, dull company he keeps in the real world.


But sadly for you, on websites like this, while you will encounter some people like yourself - and even some people perhaps even less intellectually adept than you - you will unfortunately come across the likes of me.


Better people. In every way. More successful, more charming, more witty, more handsome, more intellectual. More funny (or should it be "funnier?" Whatever, I'm not perfect)


So I'm offering you a way out. An exit strategy, if you like. We can stop the sniping.


It won't make you less of an obviously dull, pitiable, laughable cunt, but it will hopefully ameliorate your day-to-day posting existence.


So, what do you say? Can we be pals?

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Silverlining, I feel sorry for you if you think you are "winning" this idiotic tit for tat. There is no victory to be had here, only differing dimensions of fail.


That's a lie about you not doing anything for days, actually it was me who held back and I have no doubt that the message logs will prove this, but unfortunately the sniping still didn't stop.


You started this and you can end it any time you want to. Just leave me alone and stop fagging up the forum with endless crap about fucking dogs, or whatever the latest hilarious claim is. Your choice, and your choice alone, because I never back down.


And by the way, I've seen absolutely nothing from you to suggest you are my intellectual superior. I've shed pubes that could outsmart you.

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Basically, I'm a spiteful bastard and want to nail some fucker who's been jerking me about on eBay for an item they do/don't/do/don't/do/don't/won/don't want they bought off me last night.


Any ideas how to do it? I'm not big on the gay porn scene.


You have his email address, right? I suppose you could use that to sign him up to those sites but it does take a while and if you were to just spam him it might get filtered out of his inbox.


If you have his phone number, put an add on a website like Craigslist saying something along the lines of 'I have 2 tickets to see (insert shite popular singer) live. Face value. Contact me on (his number)'.


That's the most insulting thing I've ever heard. I can only imagine that you have had an aneurysm or something.


Cool story, bro.

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Your choice, and your choice alone, because I never back down.


And by the way, I've seen absolutely nothing from you to suggest you are my intellectual superior. I've shed pubes that could outsmart you.



Oh my God! Why did nobody warn me that Stronts "never backs down"!


Dismal, dismal, dismal cunt.

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Can't the two of you just fuck away off the forum?



I've given him tips on killing himself, beyond that there's not much more I can do. I haven't done anything wrong here.





And that puts to bed any claims about silverlining being some kind of intellectual powerhouse. Always worth reminding people of who he is and his past history.

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