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It was powerful stuff. Shocked at how inept some of those soldiers were: they couldn't even carry a stretcher properly.


When that lad from Leicester who was itching for "trigger time" ended up as wormfood I found it hard to give shit. In fact I was almost glad.

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It was powerful stuff. Shocked at how inept some of those soldiers were: they couldn't even carry a stretcher properly.


When that lad from Leicester who was itching for "trigger time" ended up as wormfood I found it hard to give shit. In fact I was almost glad.




Given it was a cut down camp bed, as stretchers arent an issue bit of kit, it isnt surprising it looked awkward.


Glad you think so highly of a lad losing his life.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Given it was a cut down camp bed, as stretchers arent an issue bit of kit, it isnt surprising it looked awkward.


Glad you think so highly of a lad losing his life.


It's very sad that anybody is losing their life when doing the bidding of other countries. What's a little harder to take is when young lads - who barely know what side of the bed to piss in - want to go and invade a country in order to kill people. It makes it harder to feel too strongly when those being invaded fight back and do to him what he wanted to do to them.

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Given it was a cut down camp bed, as stretchers arent an issue bit of kit, it isnt surprising it looked awkward.


And what about when those same gorms just dropped the lad by the side of the road and turned their backs until they got a bollocking?


Glad you think so highly of a lad losing his life.


It's all relative.

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It's very sad that anybody is losing their life when doing the bidding of other countries. What's a little harder to take is when young lads - who barely know what side of the bed to piss in - want to go and invade a country in order to kill people. It makes it harder to feel too strongly when those being invaded fight back and do to him what he wanted to do to them.


You don't think the war is a noble cause?

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As for you, Moglet, you semiliterate prick, can you stop sending me PMs. Ta.



So sorry mr "I'm an academic who specialises in, amongst other things, the geopolitics of that region."


And "Has travelled extensively in that area"



Fuck off you total bell, do me a favour, set me to ignore, and never bother to reply to anything I post.


Your comments are pathetic, and you wouldnt have the first clue about reality if it kicked the shit out of you.


Or, if you think you are such a know all hard man of the site, allow me to arrange a meeting with yourself and a few of the lads who have been there and lost real mates and real men to that shithole of the world.


Im guessing you wouldnt spout a fucking word in the company of blokes who can tell you of the reality of the world.


Fucking academic cunt.




This site is no longer anything to do with being a Red, its full of fucking gobshites who hide away in mummies attic, acting the cunt, and they get away with it.

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I would guess that out of common decency NV wouldn't say those things in the company of men who have suffered the way you have outlined, Moglet.


But then again he would still think them. And however understandably unpalatable you would find that, there are many who agree with his view.

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So sorry mr "I'm an academic who specialises in, amongst other things, the geopolitics of that region."


And "Has travelled extensively in that area"



Fuck off you total bell, do me a favour, set me to ignore, and never bother to reply to anything I post.


Your comments are pathetic, and you wouldnt have the first clue about reality if it kicked the shit out of you.


Or, if you think you are such a know all hard man of the site, allow me to arrange a meeting with yourself and a few of the lads who have been there and lost real mates and real men to that shithole of the world.


Im guessing you wouldnt spout a fucking word in the company of blokes who can tell you of the reality of the world.


Fucking academic cunt.




This site is no longer anything to do with being a Red, its full of fucking gobshites who hide away in mummies attic, acting the cunt, and they get away with it.


your a dick,a giant dick


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Good to see another thread where the OP asks for opinions and then goes into a rage when he receives them. Razor, it's not at all out of order to voice opinions on servicemen, why is it that some people think that as soon at you put camo on your actions, and your death, should be above comment? Such a messed up position to hold.

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So sorry mr "I'm an academic who specialises in, amongst other things, the geopolitics of that region."


And "Has travelled extensively in that area"



Fuck off you total bell, do me a favour, set me to ignore, and never bother to reply to anything I post.


Your comments are pathetic, and you wouldnt have the first clue about reality if it kicked the shit out of you.


Or, if you think you are such a know all hard man of the site, allow me to arrange a meeting with yourself and a few of the lads who have been there and lost real mates and real men to that shithole of the world.


Im guessing you wouldnt spout a fucking word in the company of blokes who can tell you of the reality of the world.


Fucking academic cunt.




This site is no longer anything to do with being a Red, its full of fucking gobshites who hide away in mummies attic, acting the cunt, and they get away with it.

LOve my lad and his royal marine mates to hear the cunt say that , stupid prick well in mate for given the cunt what for.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
So sorry mr "I'm an academic who specialises in, amongst other things, the geopolitics of that region."


And "Has travelled extensively in that area"


Fuck off you total bell, do me a favour, set me to ignore, and never bother to reply to anything I post.


You keep on PMing me, then tell me to not reply to you (something you also said in your latest PM). Are you okay, or are you going through some stuff that you need to work through? You seem like a very angry person. If you've got issues, and you seem to have, then I don't want to make them any worse.


Your comments are pathetic, and you wouldnt have the first clue about reality if it kicked the shit out of you.


Or, if you think you are such a know all hard man of the site, allow me to arrange a meeting with yourself and a few of the lads who have been there and lost real mates and real men to that shithole of the world.


The 'hard man' of the site! Why, because I've got opinions that don't match yours? If anybody is trying to be a 'hard man' here, it's you.


Im guessing you wouldnt spout a fucking word in the company of blokes who can tell you of the reality of the world.


Fucking academic cunt.


Maybe try acedmicunt? Yeah, go with that. Better than the 'newhomo' thing you tried in the other thread.


And I would, of course, give my honest opinions to his friends and family. I have spoken to people who have had friends die in Iraq. I said the same thing: I don't want anybody to die, I think it's a fucking tragedy and I opposed it with everything I had. The problem is that I think there is a bigger picture here.


This site is no longer anything to do with being a Red, its full of fucking gobshites who hide away in mummies attic, acting the cunt, and they get away with it.


Seriously, are you all right? You seem to have completely lost it because I've given an opinion. I opposed the war. I didn't want anybody to die, but that includes thousands of Afghans too.

Edited by Numero Veinticinco
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Guest Numero Veinticinco
LOve my lad and his royal marine mates to hear the cunt say that , stupid prick well in mate for given the cunt what for.


What exactly did I say that would make a Royal Marine annoyed? I'm talking specifically about those who want to go and kill people for no other reason than because they want to kill people. I'm saying that it makes it harder to feel strongly for those individuals when what they wanted to do upon invasion then happens to them.


What is remotely controversial about that?

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What exactly did I say that would make a Royal Marine annoyed? I'm talking specifically about those who want to go and kill people for no other reason than because they want to kill people. I'm saying that it makes it harder to feel strongly for those individuals when what they wanted to do upon invasion then happens to them.


What is remotely controversial about that?



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Guest Numero Veinticinco


Good one. Any chance you could elaborate on why I'm so clueless? You're clearly a very smart guy, so I'd like to learn from you and discover why I'm so wrong.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
A harrowing and infuriating watch.


It's nothing we've not seen before, from various conflicts and differing troops, but it's always hard to watch. Whether it's Afghanis making home-made bombs, or British soldiers doing 'rock on' signs to each other, it's enough to chill the blood.

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Guest PurpleNose
It's nothing we've not seen before, from various conflicts and differing troops, but it's always hard to watch. Whether it's Afghanis making home-made bombs, or British soldiers doing 'rock on' signs to each other, it's enough to chill the blood.


I find the attitudes extremely difficult to understand.


I guess that as someone who can't even begin to fathom why someone would join the army, thats inevitable.

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Aren't they sucked in by all the glossy adverts which make it look like an adventure holiday and then have the "get some" attitude drilled into them by a combination of training and peer bonding?


Regardless, it's hard to put yourself in another man's head so I try not to be too judgemental. It wouldn't be for me. I expect I'd be in a ditch shitting myself.

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