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Hey _b,


You're in a good place man, as the Secsh points out, once you are a qualified architect that is a trade that will help you wherever. You could work for a year, then decide to take 6 months or a year off. Even if your job wouldn't give you a sabbatical you'd have proper skills that could get you another one - or a job in Vancouver.


My one bit of advice would be if you want to travel or have any freedom - don't get a dog.

We've got a dog, and he's ace and all that, but it certainly makes travelling and holidays more of a pain in the arse. It's more restricting than having a kid really.

I obviously live in Aussie these days and when the folks came visiting a year or so ago the old man wanted to come for 3 months and travel about the country. My mum wouldn't come for more than 3 weeks as she didn't want leave their dog for any longer than that.

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Good thread b_man.


I went against the flow a little, getting married at 23 and having first kid at 24. By the time I was 27 I had three kids and we moved to Sweden just before I turned 28.


I had lived abroad for two years, but I don't feel like I have travelled much at all. I have not been outside of Europe, although I have seen a lot of European countries. my biggest thing was that I decided early on that I wanted to live in Sweden. Fortunately I met someone who was willing to give it a go and she came with me for the third year of my university course. She also liked it and we decided we would try and get out here. That was the only major aim I had. Obviously that included getting a job and making a living out here, but i was quite confident that once out here I would manage that.


For ages it felt like we were well behind everyone we knew. They all had houses and were holidaying left, right and centre and we were short on cash (my wife couldn't work here for the first five years as she didn't know the language) and living in a rented flat. Once we were both working though, we paid off a whole bunch of debt and recently we got to the stage where all student debt, car loan etc was all paid off and the only thing we have to pay is the mortgage and even there we are making higher payments than necessary to pay off the capital (is it called amortisation?).


Anyway, now that our kids are getting older, it has allowed us a bit more freedom. Living abroad means that you don't have the same support network, so getting time alone can be hard, but now they are of an age where we can leave them and go shopping, cinema etc. We don't leave them alone if we go out late, but other than that its pretty free.


We have been talking a bit about what we can do when they are older and we have a few plans, luckily, with Mrs RiS being a nurse, she can get work in most English speaking countries and our company has an office in Malta, so that might be an option for a year or so. We also had the conversation about a dog and even replacing War Bastard when it is time for him to go to hard bastard cat heaven. Neither are on the cards, although it would depend on if we had kids living nearby who could take care when we decide to fly to god knows where on a whim.


As far as my "career" goes, that has just sort of happened. I have only ever moved jobs when I felt that I could get more money and a better work/home balance. I am really happy with this job that I started March 2010 and it feels like I could well get the opportunity to get promoted or do other things within the company.

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  • 1 year later...
Also, in respone to the original OP, I've always wanted to climb Everest.


I realise that's not going to happen, the place fascinates and scares the fuck out of me equally.


I WILL climb Mount Kilimanjaro though. I realise this is small fry in comparison, but I'll do it anyway.


Why not?


Ha ha ha, I know what you're getting at, anything's possible if you REALLY want to.


It costs a fortune, needs lots of training and time dedicating to it. It'd be the single most incredible achievement of my miserable life if I could. If I REALLY want to though..........


Also, as RJ has kindly pointed out 'it's fuck dangerous'.


Tuesday. I'm going to Base Camp. I'd like to thank Section_31 for saying "why not".


I realise that I'm not going right to the top this time, but it's a reccy. Finding out what it takes to get there.


Funny how a few words from a person on the internet can inspire you to do stupid things.

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Tuesday. I'm going to Base Camp. I'd like to thank Section_31 for saying "why not".


I realise that I'm not going right to the top this time, but it's a reccy. Finding out what it takes to get there.

Funny how a few words from a person on the internet can inspire you to do stupid things.


Sometimes its like what you were waiting for...


I know you've done a bit of travelling but that sounds like an amazing experience.




Too cold for girls x

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Sometimes its like what you were waiting for...


I know you've done a bit of travelling but that sounds like an amazing experience.


Too cold for girls x


I reckon so. Hopefully I survive and bring tales and pics back. Avalanches and plane crashes have seen a few people off this year so hopefully that's it for this years death toll.

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were to start my 30th is bearing down on me i like my job it pay,s the mortage and one or two other bills my mr,s job pay,s the food bill we have and amazing 6 year old girl and one on the way but i feel life is drifting away it, seem like what i ever wanted to do is so far away would love to see china new york japan and cuba for me it,s like life is a tailspin.

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A famous buddhist monk wrote that there are basically two modes of existence, resisting your experience of reality or accepting it.


Might be useful when thinking about expectations and ambitions. Does it matter what youre doing, or how youre doing it?

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