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Jim MM

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Strontium Dog, I challenge you to a game of Twenty Questions. I'm sure you know the rules but just to be clear...


I have thought of something and pm'd it's identity to Moglet for safe keeping. You can ask me twenty questions to work out what it is.


Questions must be in a format that requires a yes/no answer. For example "Is it yellow?" qualifies but "What colour is it?" doesn't. If you post an inadmissable question you forfeit that go. "Animal, vegetable or mineral?" is an exception of course.


Answers will not necessarily be yes or no. If you ask "Is it green?" and the item is an apple I'll answer "Sometimes". If the item is a loaf of bread I'll answer "No" even though mouldy bread might be green. In other words, I won't act the langer and try to mislead you.


The general public are free to make suggestions if they want but I will only answer questions posted by you.


Please number your questions as you go so we can keep track. Unnumbered questions will be treated as general thread banter and are not counted.


If I fail to answer twenty questions you should win by default. However if I fail to answer because you fail to ask you should lose so what I propose is this:

We have 28 days to complete this and even allowing for different times online we should get at least one question answered per day. I should be answering within twelve hours and your next question should then be posted within twelve hours. If we don't get through twenty questions and answers we add up the excess hours or parts of hours and whoever wasted the most time loses. So if you ask a question at 8:00 am on Monday and I don't answer untill 9:05 pm Monday that's two hours debited against me. If you post the follow up question before 9:05am on Tuesday you do not get credited against future or previous heel-dragging. In the event of this rule coming into play you may still submit one guess before the deadline and win even if you have wasted more time than me.

If either of us require life saving surgery or something and can't be online for a period of more than twelve hours the clock can be stopped provided we give notice. To do this you must post "STOP THE LIGHTS!" and specify the time period required. We can stop the clock for no more than a total of 96 hours each.


You have three guesses. If you think you have it worked out before the end you may guess at any stage but if you are wrong you lose one of your three guesses.


Answer must be specific, ie if it's an apple then "fruit" is not specific enough. In the event of a disputed outcome I will post a 24 hour fast poll and let the GF decide. If the poll is inconclusive I'll see you at Otterspool, pistols at dawn on June 10th.


Time starts when you post your first question.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, kryptonite, but the definition of "mineral" is much wider in 20 questions. It just means anything which is composed of mineral. So examples of minerals that aren't real would be the Millennium Falcon, King Arthur's Round Table etc

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