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Tory Country


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3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

If they can change, and we can change, then everybody can change!


Australia’s rightwing Coalition government has lost power after nearly a decade in office, with Saturday’s election showing a sharp shift to progressive parties that will see a Labor administration formed – possibly with the support of climate-focussed independents or Greens.


To be fair they basically had to have their homes set on fire and under 6 foot of water along with some extremely draconian lock downs to throw off the Murdoch yoke partially. We've got no chance...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two Tory MPs in Blackpool. Well done kids.



The leader of Blackpool council has criticised “ignorant and ill-advised” comments by a Tory minister who was forced to apologise after describing the town as “godawful”.

Speaking at the launch of the government’s new digital strategy on Thursday, Heather Wheeler, a junior minister in the Cabinet Office, was reported to have said: “I was just at a conference in Blackpool or Birmingham or somewhere godawful.”

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  • 1 month later...

That's modern Britain all over, nobody is interested in building anything that actually works - be it a hospital, an app or anything invetween - they just dress it up as best they can and try to scam some sucker into paying for it before making a quick getaway.


There are former bosses of collapsed dementia homes jet skiing in the Bahamas as we speak. That's modern British business, financially, morally and spiritually broken. 

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15 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

That's modern Britain all over, nobody is interested in building anything that actually works - be it a hospital, an app or anything invetween - they just dress it up as best they can and try to scam some sucker into paying for it before making a quick getaway.


There are former bosses of collapsed dementia homes jet skiing in the Bahamas as we speak. That's modern British business, financially, morally and spiritually broken. 

You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket.”


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  • 2 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

Listen to how far gone this woman is.


Absolute priceless

He is a great leader because he didn't invent covid.

The best quote I read On him was that the only people who like him are the ones who don't know him

I know it's a huge generalisation bit are all right wingers thick?

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The Home Office is working closely with the police and football bodies to ensure the matchday enjoyment of the majority of fans and families is not ruined by the selfishness of a few who invaded football pitches, threw flares, and abused players and fans at matches in England and Wales last season.






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