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Fit Birds Who Fly Under the Radar

Carvalho Diablo

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Oh yeh, Truefan gets it...and so too would those two birds.


Anotre - Juliette Binoche.


She's fit, she's French, and she's filthy...




Whereas Amy Adams should need no introduction as an actress. As a flame haired filthy fucker however, she defo qualifies as under the radar crumpet...




And finally, another ginger (! wtf ?)...Isla Fisher.


As our dearly departed resident serial killer PaddyBerger15 might have said "a right dirrrty hewwer". Fisher undoubtably bangs like a shithouse door when the plague is in town...or at least I would like to think so.



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Whereas Amy Adams should need no introduction as an actress. As a flame haired filthy fucker however, she defo qualifies as under the radar crumpet...




That's the one I was on about on the film thread. By the time I got finished with her neither of us would be able to walk. Never seen her in anything else though.


Good call on Isla Fisher as well, her appearances in Home and Away really helped me through my teenage years.

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What criteria are you using for "under the radar"? Women like Emannuel Chriqui, Olivia Wilde and Minka Kelly get credit from pointless magazines, but in arenas that actually matter, namely the GF, they don't have the 20/30 page threads describing wicked and despicable sexual acts that their beauty merits.

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Sorry, no idea how to post pictures but I'll throw in Kat Dennings from Thor and Nick and Noras Infinite Playlist.


A few leaked home pics. Visible now just hope these don't turn to red Xs



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What criteria are you using for "under the radar"? Women like Emannuel Chriqui, Olivia Wilde and Minka Kelly get credit from pointless magazines, but in arenas that actually matter, namely the GF, they don't have the 20/30 page threads describing wicked and despicable sexual acts that their beauty merits.


WWAP = well worth a portion


"under the radar" - I believe you've got the gist mate.

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