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I don't know much about politics, but it's just not a good idea to call people stupid. In the case of Trump voters, it's true, but it doesn't work to vote shame people. It just makes them dig in more, which is why politics are fucked up. My team vs your team, etc...

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8 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

I don't know much about politics, but it's just not a good idea to call people stupid. In the case of Trump voters, it's true, but it doesn't work to vote shame people. It just makes them dig in more, which is why politics are fucked up. My team vs your team, etc...


We're all probably a bit more stupid than the generations before us due to things like social media, reality TV and dumbed down journalism. 


The apostrophe society shut down about five years ago.


There is one thing Trump did that was genius though, the whole "fake news" narrative means that people who like him no longer believe their own eyes and ears, and once that happens, for him the sky's the limit.

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


He was talking about Lincoln’s other son Willie not Tad. Tad was the only child Lincoln had that made it into adulthood. He’s got the wrong name, but described everything else correctly. 



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3 hours ago, 3 Stacks said:

I don't know much about politics, but it's just not a good idea to call people stupid. In the case of Trump voters, it's true, but it doesn't work to vote shame people. It just makes them dig in more, which is why politics are fucked up. My team vs your team, etc...


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There’s a very good chance this podcast could finish Harris off, it’s had 16 1/2 million views in 15 hours. I’m an hour in and he’s very different to the rallies. Still some bold claims still, and stuff I can’t work out if it’s true or not.

However, he’s willing to sit down and talk for 3 hours. Harris ran from these types of opportunities (She knocked back going on Flagrant with Andrew Schulz while going on “Call Her Daddy”) and I think it’s going to damage her chances of winning. 





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I honestly don't know what to make of the polls. You'd imagine the strategy types in the Democratic party are of higher calibre these days than the cranks in the republican machine, so when you get stories like "top level Dems feeling downbeat" there must be something a brewing there.

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48 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

There’s a very good chance this podcast could finish Harris off, it’s had 16 1/2 million views in 15 hours. I’m an hour in and he’s very different to the rallies. Still some bold claims still, and stuff I can’t work out if it’s true or not.

However, he’s willing to sit down and talk for 3 hours. Harris ran from these types of opportunities (She knocked back going on Flagrant with Andrew Schulz while going on “Call Her Daddy”) and I think it’s going to damage her chances of winning. 





Call Her Daddy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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The idea that not going on Andrew Schulz' podcast would hurt election chances is an insane indictment of us culture.


What next, snubbing the guy whose only joke is taking his shirt off? Or one of the even unfunnier members of the Rogan twatentariat.

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1 minute ago, Pidge said:

The idea that not going on Andrew Schulz' podcast would hurt election chances is an insane indictment of us culture.

I never said that. I said her not going on Rogan will. 

If she was good as they say she is, she’d be able to go on anywhere and hold her own on anything Trump goes on. 




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If she went on Rogan show he would have been in full attack mode and fact checking everything as it was said, just talked over her and changed the subject likes he has been doing for a while when he doesn't agree with someome

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

If she went on Rogan show he would have been in full attack mode and fact checking everything as it was said, just talked over her and changed the subject likes he has been doing for a while when he doesn't agree with someome

I’m not fully convinced he would have for this. Every other guest, yeah.

But we’ll never know now. 

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