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7 hours ago, stringvest said:

everything is relative I suppose.  They are still moronic.  I would like to hear any of them provide a rationale for voting for Trump.  Whatever they come out with, it never bears scrutiny 

I don’t think the media will ever show you a Trump supporter who can do this as it doesn’t fit the narrative. 


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Indeed a great post from Chris and insightful, but I still think anyone who votes for him is thick and i'll tell you for why.


Trump doesn't stand for any of the things these people claim to value. If you listen to what he says, rather than what they think he says, it's meandering nonsense. He says whatever he thinks you want him to say. If he was Pence or even Vance, I'd get it. There's at least somebody home.


The modern "right" in both countries are the same. Johnson, Farage, Trump, Truss, stand for nothing. They don't understand the words they use and they don't understand politics, society or ordinary people, nor do they want to.


Crucially, they don't even pretend to, so people who countenance their bullshit without bothering to look and listen are thick bastards in my view.


If you look at someone like Le Pen. She's been having those conversations since she was about six, sat around the breakfast table with her dad's SS mates. She believes it, she'd take a bullet for it.


I saw a cameo vid recently of Farage saying "up the Ra!". He's said that for 87 quid.


So anyone who sees him in his union jack loafers and says "that's a patriot!" Is a dickhead.


Same with Trump. If you paid him enough he'd replace every white person in America with an el Salvadoran, he'd deport Cuban Americana back to Cuba to get their nads attached to car batteries.


He doesn't care, about anything, and the evidence for that is everywhere. 

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11 hours ago, Chris said:


IThey know exactly who he is and what he’s selling. They just don’t care. You’re mistaking Trump voters rampant self interest and moral abdication for lack of intelligence. 

that is a lack of intelligence - moral, social, and environmental.  What you call rampant self interest is rampant ignorance, the individual unable to see the greater good, or unwilling to adopt it because of some narrow short term thinking, not able to see the damage this would do to them or their children’s prospects. 

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3 minutes ago, stringvest said:

that is a lack of intelligence - moral, social, and environmental.  What you call rampant self interest is rampant ignorance, the individual unable to see the greater good, or unwilling to adopt it because of some narrow short term thinking, not able to see the damage this would do to them or their children’s prospects. 

My parents generation have a lot to answer for in that regard equally as any of Trump/Johnson/Farage supporters will. They got all the good stuff and don’t want their kids or Grandkids and future generations to have any of it because it means they get hit in the pocket. Brexit has shown that. 


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7 hours ago, Chris said:

I don’t like them. I disagree with them fundamentally. I resent them. I’d go as far to say I fucking hate a lot of them. 



They’ll tell you they support him on immigration. Even Harris has intimated she’ll continue with “the wall”. 


Christians (an absolutely massive swathe of the country) overlook his moral redundancy because many of them are single issue voters – abortion. I friend of mine – one of the sweetest guys I know – told me this just last week over a few beers. 

Jews will tell you they feel he’s a stronger ally to Israel than Harris; who they identify with The Squad, would be. Again, this is millions of people. 

Others will reference culture war issues they feel the left has gone too far on. Trans athletes in sports, for instance. 

Some see Harris as a continuation of this administration and cite that their lives haven’t got better in the last four years. They’re gaining support among the black vote for that. Black voters feel their vote has been taken for granted. And promises have been broken by the democrats. 

Anecdotally, it’s being reported black men have taken a liking to him, remarkably, because they feel he’s been persecuted by the law in similar ways they have. 


Gen Z men are overwhelmingly supporters of him. If I had to suggest their reasoning, maybe because they’ve grown up at a time when feminism has become mainstream in schools and in the culture, where traditional norms of masculinity are considered toxic and there’s affirmative action towards greater equality. They don’t feel like there’s as much down for them. You see this in a lot of that Proud Boys shit and the episode Louis Theroux did on the young conservative celebrities is hugely enlightening. They see an ally in a cunt like Trump. 

Cuban immigrants (who make up a large section of the population where I live) who remember Castro’s communism or passed that message down to their kids think the democrats are verging too close to socialism. To us as Brits, that’s ludicrous because even the democrats are to the economic right of the Tories on the idea of socialism. However, the Cubans are overwhelmingly supportive of Trump. 

Law enforcement see democrats talking about defunding the police. They see Trump talking about giving them a stronger hand. 


The list of reasons people will give are exhaustive and exhausting. I disagree with almost all of them and don’t find them to be rational or substantive in my mind, but it doesn’t make those people thick or megalomaniacs. 

It sometimes makes them cunts. Not always. The mistake we continue to make on the left is dismissing them all as thick and not worthy of engaging with. That does nothing but further entrench them in their positions. Hillary Clinton did nothing to speak to their really valid concerns in 2016. She called them “deplorables” and got fucking thumped in the electoral college. 

There sure are plenty of thick cunts on the left too, who have plenty of idealism but no sense of reality for how things work, get done, or are paid for. Or how and where elections are won. You’ll find loads of them in that Jeremy Corbyn thread on here, for instance. 

Anyway; in short. Are there thick Trump voters? Yes. Are they all thick? Far from it. 

all of the above just supports my case.  Single issue politics, or perception politics, are the refuge of the thick.  Uncritically swallowing what Trump or his acolytes in the media are telling them, is just evidence of that.  This dumbing down of civilisation has been going on for decades, and has (surely) reached its apogee in Trump persuading people that the baby eating refugees of Bath and Wells are taking over.  It’s fucking depressing to reflect on how malleable, how stupid, huge swathes of the population are. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Indeed a great post from Chris and insightful, but I still think anyone who votes for him is thick and i'll tell you for why.


Trump doesn't stand for any of the things these people claim to value. If you listen to what he says, rather than what they think he says, it's meandering nonsense. He says whatever he thinks you want him to say. If he was Pence or even Vance, I'd get it. There's at least somebody home.


The modern "right" in both countries are the same. Johnson, Farage, Trump, Truss, stand for nothing. They don't understand the words they use and they don't understand politics, society or ordinary people, nor do they want to.


Crucially, they don't even pretend to, so people who countenance their bullshit without bothering to look and listen are thick bastards in my view.


If you look at someone like Le Pen. She's been having those conversations since she was about six, sat around the breakfast table with her dad's SS mates. She believes it, she'd take a bullet for it.


I saw a cameo vid recently of Farage saying "up the Ra!". He's said that for 87 quid.


So anyone who sees him in his union jack loafers and says "that's a patriot!" Is a dickhead.


Same with Trump. If you paid him enough he'd replace every white person in America with an el Salvadoran, he'd deport Cuban Americana back to Cuba to get their nads attached to car batteries.


He doesn't care, about anything, and the evidence for that is everywhere. 

exactly.  The fact that they don’t understand that Trump does not represent their best interests is almost as depressing as them not understanding what their best interests are.  And if that sounds patronising, that’s because it was meant to. 

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I just wish more of them had drank bleach when he suggested it. 

How anyone can listen to the shit he comes out with and still vote for him is terrifying. It’s handing the world’s biggest military arsenal to a genuine lunatic just because you might get one less Mexican living in your neighbourhood. Or something. It’s a cult and yep some will be educated and some will be thick as pig shit but they all meet in the middle with superior levels of stupidity to those that can see right through the sound bites and see him for the complete self serving shit that he is. 

He’s ming the merciless with fake tan on and a shit syrup. 

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8 hours ago, Chris said:

I don’t like them. I disagree with them fundamentally. I resent them. I’d go as far to say I fucking hate a lot of them. 



They’ll tell you they support him on immigration. Even Harris has intimated she’ll continue with “the wall”. 


Christians (an absolutely massive swathe of the country) overlook his moral redundancy because many of them are single issue voters – abortion. I friend of mine – one of the sweetest guys I know – told me this just last week over a few beers. 

Jews will tell you they feel he’s a stronger ally to Israel than Harris; who they identify with The Squad, would be. Again, this is millions of people. 

Others will reference culture war issues they feel the left has gone too far on. Trans athletes in sports, for instance. 

Some see Harris as a continuation of this administration and cite that their lives haven’t got better in the last four years. They’re gaining support among the black vote for that. Black voters feel their vote has been taken for granted. And promises have been broken by the democrats. 

Anecdotally, it’s being reported black men have taken a liking to him, remarkably, because they feel he’s been persecuted by the law in similar ways they have. 


Gen Z men are overwhelmingly supporters of him. If I had to suggest their reasoning, maybe because they’ve grown up at a time when feminism has become mainstream in schools and in the culture, where traditional norms of masculinity are considered toxic and there’s affirmative action towards greater equality. They don’t feel like there’s as much down for them. You see this in a lot of that Proud Boys shit and the episode Louis Theroux did on the young conservative celebrities is hugely enlightening. They see an ally in a cunt like Trump. 

Cuban immigrants (who make up a large section of the population where I live) who remember Castro’s communism or passed that message down to their kids think the democrats are verging too close to socialism. To us as Brits, that’s ludicrous because even the democrats are to the economic right of the Tories on the idea of socialism. However, the Cubans are overwhelmingly supportive of Trump. 

Law enforcement see democrats talking about defunding the police. They see Trump talking about giving them a stronger hand. 


The list of reasons people will give are exhaustive and exhausting. I disagree with almost all of them and don’t find them to be rational or substantive in my mind, but it doesn’t make those people thick or megalomaniacs. 

It sometimes makes them cunts. Not always. The mistake we continue to make on the left is dismissing them all as thick and not worthy of engaging with. That does nothing but further entrench them in their positions. Hillary Clinton did nothing to speak to their really valid concerns in 2016. She called them “deplorables” and got fucking thumped in the electoral college. 

There sure are plenty of thick cunts on the left too, who have plenty of idealism but no sense of reality for how things work, get done, or are paid for. Or how and where elections are won. You’ll find loads of them in that Jeremy Corbyn thread on here, for instance. 

Anyway; in short. Are there thick Trump voters? Yes. Are they all thick? Far from it. 


Great reply, thanks Chris. I still can't reconcile myself with the fact that people will look past everything he's said and done and vote for him because they agree on one issue. It's like the red wall voters here electing the Tories because of their stance on immigration (despite the fact that it had become worse under them) and then getting angry that their lives hadn't miraculously become better. These people may not be thick, but they clearly lack the ability to look beyond their own tiny sphere and see the bigger picture.

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3 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


Great reply, thanks Chris. I still can't reconcile myself with the fact that people will look past everything he's said and done and vote for him because they agree on one issue. It's like the red wall voters here electing the Tories because of their stance on immigration (despite the fact that it had become worse under them) and then getting angry that their lives hadn't miraculously become better. These people may not be thick, but they clearly lack the ability to look beyond their own tiny sphere and see the bigger picture.


Aftet that kick off the other day on Breck Road some bellend was saying it’s for worse down there in the last 6 months “I wonder why” etc implying that Labour are the reason for “foreigners” and it being a bit of a shit hole. Just crazy mental gymnastics. 

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1 hour ago, MacsBurstNads said:


Aftet that kick off the other day on Breck Road some bellend was saying it’s for worse down there in the last 6 months “I wonder why” etc implying that Labour are the reason for “foreigners” and it being a bit of a shit hole. Just crazy mental gymnastics. 


That's because they're all convinced that they know "the real truth" through their phones. That's the issue. Until this is addressed, those with nefarious motives spreading this shite will always have a willing army of drones to kick off at any given moment.

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3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Indeed a great post from Chris and insightful, but I still think anyone who votes for him is thick and i'll tell you for why.


Trump doesn't stand for any of the things these people claim to value. If you listen to what he says, rather than what they think he says, it's meandering nonsense. He says whatever he thinks you want him to say. If he was Pence or even Vance, I'd get it. There's at least somebody home.


The modern "right" in both countries are the same. Johnson, Farage, Trump, Truss, stand for nothing. They don't understand the words they use and they don't understand politics, society or ordinary people, nor do they want to.


Crucially, they don't even pretend to, so people who countenance their bullshit without bothering to look and listen are thick bastards in my view.


If you look at someone like Le Pen. She's been having those conversations since she was about six, sat around the breakfast table with her dad's SS mates. She believes it, she'd take a bullet for it.


I saw a cameo vid recently of Farage saying "up the Ra!". He's said that for 87 quid.


So anyone who sees him in his union jack loafers and says "that's a patriot!" Is a dickhead.


Same with Trump. If you paid him enough he'd replace every white person in America with an el Salvadoran, he'd deport Cuban Americana back to Cuba to get their nads attached to car batteries.


He doesn't care, about anything, and the evidence for that is everywhere. 

let me counter that by saying: for people who’s single issue is abortion, he appointed three Supreme Court judges who successfully repealed Roe vs Wade. Something that’d been on the conservative agenda for 50 years. 

Of course the circumstances of being able to appoint 3 in a single term were unique, but still. For those voters, he stood by what he said. 

For others, he said he’d build a wall. There are hundreds of miles of wall in the southern border that say “i did what you wanted”


I’m not advocating supporting him. Or the overarching merits of single issue politics. But I’ve been there myself. For years, it was all about overturning Brexit for me. 

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2 hours ago, stringvest said:

all of the above just supports my case.  Single issue politics, or perception politics, are the refuge of the thick.  Uncritically swallowing what Trump or his acolytes in the media are telling them, is just evidence of that.  This dumbing down of civilisation has been going on for decades, and has (surely) reached its apogee in Trump persuading people that the baby eating refugees of Bath and Wells are taking over.  It’s fucking depressing to reflect on how malleable, how stupid, huge swathes of the population are. 

it’s not swallowing it all though.

In a lot of cases it’s holding your nose at the ballot box and saying “I don’t like this this this or this about him or his character, but he’s going to do this”


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One of the problems is the social contract has been broken over the past 15 years and it’s the socially liberal/corporate capitalism of the likes of Obama, Macron, Cameron/Osbourne, Merkel etc that serves institutions/your donors rather than the people that has overseen/caused it. A vote for Harris is a vote for more of that and people have had enough, they know what that means for them now. Trump etc are a consequence of that failure not the cause of it.

Of course Trump is a wolf in sheep’s clothing but for a lot of those people it won’t make a difference anyway the damage has already been done.

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Otherwise known as social liberal Thatcherism: we don’t mind gays and lesbians anymore but when we asset strip the business you work in and move the HQ to Singapore don’t come looking for a handout you lazy cunt there’s a fulfilment centre in the new freeport zone needs zero hour employees. 

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11 hours ago, Chris said:

I don’t like them. I disagree with them fundamentally. I resent them. I’d go as far to say I fucking hate a lot of them. 



They’ll tell you they support him on immigration. Even Harris has intimated she’ll continue with “the wall”. 


Christians (an absolutely massive swathe of the country) overlook his moral redundancy because many of them are single issue voters – abortion. I friend of mine – one of the sweetest guys I know – told me this just last week over a few beers. 

Jews will tell you they feel he’s a stronger ally to Israel than Harris; who they identify with The Squad, would be. Again, this is millions of people. 

Others will reference culture war issues they feel the left has gone too far on. Trans athletes in sports, for instance. 

Some see Harris as a continuation of this administration and cite that their lives haven’t got better in the last four years. They’re gaining support among the black vote for that. Black voters feel their vote has been taken for granted. And promises have been broken by the democrats. 

Anecdotally, it’s being reported black men have taken a liking to him, remarkably, because they feel he’s been persecuted by the law in similar ways they have. 


Gen Z men are overwhelmingly supporters of him. If I had to suggest their reasoning, maybe because they’ve grown up at a time when feminism has become mainstream in schools and in the culture, where traditional norms of masculinity are considered toxic and there’s affirmative action towards greater equality. They don’t feel like there’s as much down for them. You see this in a lot of that Proud Boys shit and the episode Louis Theroux did on the young conservative celebrities is hugely enlightening. They see an ally in a cunt like Trump. 

Cuban immigrants (who make up a large section of the population where I live) who remember Castro’s communism or passed that message down to their kids think the democrats are verging too close to socialism. To us as Brits, that’s ludicrous because even the democrats are to the economic right of the Tories on the idea of socialism. However, the Cubans are overwhelmingly supportive of Trump. 

Law enforcement see democrats talking about defunding the police. They see Trump talking about giving them a stronger hand. 


The list of reasons people will give are exhaustive and exhausting. I disagree with almost all of them and don’t find them to be rational or substantive in my mind, but it doesn’t make those people thick or megalomaniacs. 

It sometimes makes them cunts. Not always. The mistake we continue to make on the left is dismissing them all as thick and not worthy of engaging with. That does nothing but further entrench them in their positions. Hillary Clinton did nothing to speak to their really valid concerns in 2016. She called them “deplorables” and got fucking thumped in the electoral college. 

There sure are plenty of thick cunts on the left too, who have plenty of idealism but no sense of reality for how things work, get done, or are paid for. Or how and where elections are won. You’ll find loads of them in that Jeremy Corbyn thread on here, for instance. 

Anyway; in short. Are there thick Trump voters? Yes. Are they all thick? Far from it. 

So basically they are thick then.

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11 hours ago, Chris said:

I don’t like them. I disagree with them fundamentally. I resent them. I’d go as far to say I fucking hate a lot of them. 



They’ll tell you they support him on immigration. Even Harris has intimated she’ll continue with “the wall”. 


Christians (an absolutely massive swathe of the country) overlook his moral redundancy because many of them are single issue voters – abortion. I friend of mine – one of the sweetest guys I know – told me this just last week over a few beers. 

Jews will tell you they feel he’s a stronger ally to Israel than Harris; who they identify with The Squad, would be. Again, this is millions of people. 

Others will reference culture war issues they feel the left has gone too far on. Trans athletes in sports, for instance. 

Some see Harris as a continuation of this administration and cite that their lives haven’t got better in the last four years. They’re gaining support among the black vote for that. Black voters feel their vote has been taken for granted. And promises have been broken by the democrats. 

Anecdotally, it’s being reported black men have taken a liking to him, remarkably, because they feel he’s been persecuted by the law in similar ways they have. 


Gen Z men are overwhelmingly supporters of him. If I had to suggest their reasoning, maybe because they’ve grown up at a time when feminism has become mainstream in schools and in the culture, where traditional norms of masculinity are considered toxic and there’s affirmative action towards greater equality. They don’t feel like there’s as much down for them. You see this in a lot of that Proud Boys shit and the episode Louis Theroux did on the young conservative celebrities is hugely enlightening. They see an ally in a cunt like Trump. 

Cuban immigrants (who make up a large section of the population where I live) who remember Castro’s communism or passed that message down to their kids think the democrats are verging too close to socialism. To us as Brits, that’s ludicrous because even the democrats are to the economic right of the Tories on the idea of socialism. However, the Cubans are overwhelmingly supportive of Trump. 

Law enforcement see democrats talking about defunding the police. They see Trump talking about giving them a stronger hand. 


The list of reasons people will give are exhaustive and exhausting. I disagree with almost all of them and don’t find them to be rational or substantive in my mind, but it doesn’t make those people thick or megalomaniacs. 

It sometimes makes them cunts. Not always. The mistake we continue to make on the left is dismissing them all as thick and not worthy of engaging with. That does nothing but further entrench them in their positions. Hillary Clinton did nothing to speak to their really valid concerns in 2016. She called them “deplorables” and got fucking thumped in the electoral college. 

There sure are plenty of thick cunts on the left too, who have plenty of idealism but no sense of reality for how things work, get done, or are paid for. Or how and where elections are won. You’ll find loads of them in that Jeremy Corbyn thread on here, for instance. 

Anyway; in short. Are there thick Trump voters? Yes. Are they all thick? Far from it. 

Really good explanation..and it does make sense..but it still also implies that those people are happy to vote for a man who thinks immigrants eat cats and dogs and that windmills kill whale's. 

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1 hour ago, Chris said:

it’s not swallowing it all though.

In a lot of cases it’s holding your nose at the ballot box and saying “I don’t like this this this or this about him or his character, but he’s going to do this”


I get what you’re saying, but it’s not so much holding your nose at those things you might find distasteful, but it’s covering your eyes to the bigger consequences of having him in power for a number of years.  

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1 hour ago, Gooch said:

One of the problems is the social contract has been broken over the past 15 years and it’s the socially liberal/corporate capitalism of the likes of Obama, Macron, Cameron/Osbourne, Merkel etc that serves institutions/your donors rather than the people that has overseen/caused it. A vote for Harris is a vote for more of that and people have had enough, they know what that means for them now. Trump etc are a consequence of that failure not the cause of it.

Of course Trump is a wolf in sheep’s clothing but for a lot of those people it won’t make a difference anyway the damage has already been done.

You’re right of course - there are no good choices for the vast majority of people.  There are massive differences between the least bad and Trump though.  

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Just now, stringvest said:

I get what you’re saying, but it’s not so much holding your nose at those things you might find distasteful, but it’s covering your eyes to the bigger consequences of having him in power for a number of years.  


If you mean the "tearing down democracy" part - that is seen as a positive for his core.

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