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8 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Nah. Chicago is an amazing city but New York wins here. 

I'll have to revisit Chicago but I loved it when I went there. I was in NYC last year and I was disappointed, prices through the roof, big yellow taxis gone and replaced by Rav4s, it just didnt seem quite the same....could be familiarity as I been so many times but at least Ive been which is more than others less fortunate can say.

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I think if you are just having a full tourist experience, New York is the better city. If you travel to both often and want to immerse in the culture, food, drink and people of the city, Chicago is the best of the two and by quite some way. This is obviously not reflecting any of the bad, dangerous areas of either city. 

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16 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

if you like a bit of craft beer and want to see the wrigley stadium at the same time - if you head over towards the stadium, there's a bunch of micro brewhouses. Koval, Begyle, Dovetail and another i am struggling to remember, but they will help you out in one of the others - they are all within walking distance. My favourite food place, a BBQ special is Green Street Meats. That's a good area to have a bev in too and Guinness have recently opened a brewery tap in that neighbourhood. that's a bit closer to where the convention is though, as i think that's at the united centre, so i guess it'll be crazy busy around there. Wrigleyville though will be sound. 


Goose Island? https://www.gooseisland.com/


They sponsor Sound Opinions (great music podcast).

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4 hours ago, razor said:


Goose Island? https://www.gooseisland.com/


They sponsor Sound Opinions (great music podcast).

Goose Island is great and you can get a lot of beers from them in Chicago they won't make elsewhere. The stock beer you see all over in the US, but not so often here "Neon Beer Hugs" is a belter and across Chicago the 9.9% big version "Tropical Beer Hugs" is even better. But the downside with them is they're now owned by the ambev mob who have Bud and Stella. It wasn't the place I was thinking of earlier, but the goose tap is a good one. They used to have one in london at Shoreditch High Street where it joins Bishopsgate, but for some reason they fucked it off. It was always rammed though, but did struggle through COVID. 

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10 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Yes I'm also a miserable twat. 

Preferred India, well Preferred pre Russian tourists India

I've been to India many times and what struck me was the shit way Indians treated their compatriots who they considered beneath them.


A bit like here really.

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7 minutes ago, stringvest said:

Because they are thick as shit.  The most moronic country on the planet, though we’re coming up on the rails.

It was some check mate attempt with Johnson like. Takes some level of utter clown to trump Trump though. 

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10 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Millions think those scenes were great, that the rioters were true patriots and that Trump is right to want to pardon them. I doubt the ad'll move the needle either way.

Might move the neutrals though.

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1 hour ago, stringvest said:

Because they are thick as shit.  The most moronic country on the planet, though we’re coming up on the rails.


This is the simple truth. Look at the human shite being sent down over here for the riots.


The biggest myth of our age is that all opinions are equally valid, they're not.


The likes of Question Time and Newsnight conditioned us to believe this fallacy. 


On tonight's show about the anniversary of the moon landings is Buzz Aldrin and Jasper B Twat, who thinks they were staged. 


Er no let's not.


I'm guilty of it myself. The amount of times I've smiled silently while some cabbie has told me with absolute certainty that Covid is a scam, when what I really should have done is called him a dickhead then garroted him with piano wire.

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