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6 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Checked into our AIRBNB in Red Lodge last night and went for a walk, 100 yards away is a Rebulican office which is advertising Trump merchandise.


I can hardly contain my excitement for going in later today. 

An interesting little visit. 

My wife’s cousin described it as like a scene from Borat. 

Can I have a receipt for this stuff please for my tax returns? 


Is this T-shirt Donald and Stormy? (I knew it was Melania).


We love the supreme leader in the UK.


Hopefully this election isn’t stolen from under him, the whole world knew he won in 2020.


Etc etc etc.


I have to admit, I think The Punisher Tshirt is ace. 




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Genius one meets genius two:


Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump's interview with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk finally got underway on Musk's social media platform X on Monday evening, following a lengthy delay caused by technical problems that kept many users from accessing the live stream.

Musk began the event at 8:42 p.m. ET, more than 40 minutes after the scheduled start time. He blamed the difficulties on a distributed denial-of-service attack, a type of cyberattack in which a server or network is flooded with traffic in an attempt to shut it down, though his claim was not confirmed.

More than one million people were listening as the conversation started, according to a counter on X.

"Congratulations on breaking every record in the book," Trump said, an apparent reference to the number of people who tried to tune into their conversation.

Trump sounded at times as if he were speaking with a lisp, many listeners on X pointed out. Some said it made him sound like a cartoon. Others suggested it could be due to audio compression issues.



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Still some of the all greatest couple of seconds of film ever recorded. How could someone be so terrible for the world be so great for the wonderful world of entertainment. 






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42 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

If Scott had been a far right protestor he'd have never been caught.

He's got a gammon emoji floating in front of him. That will surely make him stand out.

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2 hours ago, Trumo said:

Scott M is really Turdsy. I mean come on, they look exactly the same.


Not sure about that, this is us at Sheff Utd last season…



Putting Turds in Johns eyes was too tricky. 

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48 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

He’s on Sky News now and it’s wild.


He so bored and just reading lies of a sheet off paper.


He’s getting trounced in November.


‘Well over 100% of new jobs have gone to migrants’



The people behind him have been going mad because of his random shite in all his rallies. I think they did well keeping him on message till Biden stood down, now he's gone fucking mental. Let's hope it continues. 

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On 12/08/2024 at 23:35, Scott_M said:

An interesting little visit. 

My wife’s cousin described it as like a scene from Borat. 

Can I have a receipt for this stuff please for my tax returns? 


Is this T-shirt Donald and Stormy? (I knew it was Melania).


We love the supreme leader in the UK.


Hopefully this election isn’t stolen from under him, the whole world knew he won in 2020.


Etc etc etc.


I have to admit, I think The Punisher Tshirt is ace. 




Mixing adidas socks with nike trabs should see you deported with immediate effect

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