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4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Meanwhile, this morning on Trumpton, the real big news story.




The most depressing this is, they’ll fly off the shelves. I hope the Crips and Bloods put their differences aside and go hunting 

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47 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

The most depressing this is, they’ll fly off the shelves. I hope the Crips and Bloods put their differences aside and go hunting 

And he can reissue them too as they've 45 on the back so he can update to 47 and drain more money from the daft cunts. 

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5 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Meanwhile, this morning on Trumpton, the real big news story.




Some Heavens gate type shit. We need to tell them there's a swimming pool exactly like the film Cocoon that brings youth and vitality to the aged, except really  it's no Alien rock in its depths its pure Polonium.

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American news outlets should just embrace it for what it is. It’s four more years. Trump - The Sequel. 

Biden is gonna fall over in public again, probably graze his face, maybe a broken rib or two. He’ll never live it down if it’s a physical gaffe like that, rather than the cognitive ones we’ve seen so far. He’s an old, frail grandad. 


Either that or his speech and memory get progressively worse in a short time and it’s obvious in debates/interviews. 

Once that happens it’s game over. #POTUS47

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1 hour ago, Captain Turdseye said:

American news outlets should just embrace it for what it is. It’s four more years. Trump - The Sequel. 

Biden is gonna fall over in public again, probably graze his face, maybe a broken rib or two. He’ll never live it down if it’s a physical gaffe like that, rather than the cognitive ones we’ve seen so far. He’s an old, frail grandad. 


Either that or his speech and memory get progressively worse in a short time and it’s obvious in debates/interviews. 

Once that happens it’s game over. #POTUS47


If the orange fuck falls over in public, he'll create a sinkhole.

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1 hour ago, Captain Turdseye said:

American news outlets should just embrace it for what it is. It’s four more years. Trump - The Sequel. 

Biden is gonna fall over in public again, probably graze his face, maybe a broken rib or two. He’ll never live it down if it’s a physical gaffe like that, rather than the cognitive ones we’ve seen so far. He’s an old, frail grandad. 


Either that or his speech and memory get progressively worse in a short time and it’s obvious in debates/interviews. 

Once that happens it’s game over. #POTUS47

If he gets back in America will be a fascist dictatorship before the middle of next year, and he'll start world war 3 before the end of 2025.

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“I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

― Donald Trump

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This will be about as real as when that fat nacker Johnson had Covid and went into hospital for a kip, a free feed and to garner sympathy for being a 'man' of the 'people'.

Somebody will have let off a cracker at a designated time and the fat cunt will milk it all the way to the White House.

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