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17 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Just got a call from my Mum and I knew what it was before I picked up the phone.

My auntie passed away early hours, sick of this fucking disease. I lost my cousin earlier in the year she was 3 days older than me. 
In the last 3 years  have averaged a funeral every few months. The curse of having a big family. It gets smaller by the year. 

Sorry for your loss mate. May she rest in peace.

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29 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Sorry for your loss mate.


True what you say about big families. My uncle by marriage is being treated for Prostate Cancer which has spread to his bones. All while trying to care for his wife, my auntie, who has advanced Alzheimer's.


Getting older is truly shit.

She had Alzheimer’s CS as did my uncle who went last summer. My mum and Dad both came from big families and in the last 3 years they’re dropping like flies.

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On 12/11/2024 at 13:54, RedBadger said:

Huge thank you to @Pidge for your generous donation to the fundraiser and to everyone who has donated.


A quick update from me, we passed the target of 100 km a couple of days ago but we're continuing our morning and afternoon walks. I've been posting updates on the just giving page.


Just Giving


And here's a shot of Bobby who was named by my daughter after a certain Roberto Firmino.



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On 22/11/2024 at 13:28, RedBadger said:

Huge thank you to @Pidge for your generous donation to the fundraiser and to everyone who has donated.


A quick update from me, we passed the target of 100 km a couple of days ago but we're continuing our morning and afternoon walks. I've been posting updates on the just giving page.


Just Giving


And here's a shot of Bobby who was named by my daughter after a certain Roberto Firmino.



A big thank you to @Razoray for your generous donation. TLW has been amazing. Updates are available on My JustGiving page.

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My Dad is going under sedation this afternoon. In his words he "doesn't want to go on like this any more". Absolutely heartbreaking and what's not helping is I can't get to Devon to see him until Friday. My Mum and sister are with him. The ex is in Tenerife and she's coming home early to look after the dog as I can't take him with me. 


The old man is a Birkenhead Evertonian. I told him the other day to take his boots to Manchester on Sunday as he'd probably get a game. Imagine leaving this mortal coil with your team's last result being a 4-0 loss to those bastards. 

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5 minutes ago, Lurtz said:

My Dad is going under sedation this afternoon. In his words he "doesn't want to go on like this any more". Absolutely heartbreaking and what's not helping is I can't get to Devon to see him until Friday. My Mum and sister are with him. The ex is in Tenerife and she's coming home early to look after the dog as I can't take him with me. 


The old man is a Birkenhead Evertonian. I told him the other day to take his boots to Manchester on Sunday as he'd probably get a game. Imagine leaving this mortal coil with your team's last result being a 4-0 loss to those bastards. 

Thoughts with you bud. If he does go, I hope it's as pain free as possible.

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14 minutes ago, Lurtz said:

My Dad is going under sedation this afternoon. In his words he "doesn't want to go on like this any more". Absolutely heartbreaking and what's not helping is I can't get to Devon to see him until Friday. My Mum and sister are with him. The ex is in Tenerife and she's coming home early to look after the dog as I can't take him with me. 


The old man is a Birkenhead Evertonian. I told him the other day to take his boots to Manchester on Sunday as he'd probably get a game. Imagine leaving this mortal coil with your team's last result being a 4-0 loss to those bastards. 

Thoughts are with you and your Dad mate. 

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Dad passed away just after 7 this morning. Shit disease. 


Currently en route from Leeds to Exeter to see my Mum, fighting my way through multiple train cancellations ffs.


Mike & the Mechanics can get the fuck out of my head an all. Cunt song. 

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3 hours ago, Lurtz said:

Dad passed away just after 7 this morning. Shit disease. 


Currently en route from Leeds to Exeter to see my Mum, fighting my way through multiple train cancellations ffs.


Mike & the Mechanics can get the fuck out of my head an all. Cunt song. 

Very sorry for your loss Mr.Lurtz

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10 hours ago, Lurtz said:

Dad passed away just after 7 this morning. Shit disease. 


Currently en route from Leeds to Exeter to see my Mum, fighting my way through multiple train cancellations ffs.


Mike & the Mechanics can get the fuck out of my head an all. Cunt song. 


So sorry to hear this mate, lots of love. Take care of yourself and your family x

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10 hours ago, Lurtz said:

Dad passed away just after 7 this morning. Shit disease. 


Currently en route from Leeds to Exeter to see my Mum, fighting my way through multiple train cancellations ffs.


Mike & the Mechanics can get the fuck out of my head an all. Cunt song. 

Sorry for your loss Lurtz. I've raised my glass for what it's worth.


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