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Pako Ayesteran - What a Man

Red Nick

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Great to see him on La Revista tonight and I loved the caption won 6 major trophies as assistant to Rafa Benitez and very interestingly Rafa hasnt won anything of note bar a world club one off game with Inter.


So for all Rafa's suposed brilliance maybe he should realise the error of his ways and beg Pako to help him become the manager he used to be.


Pako is pure class.

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Guest ian garro

Doesn't it strike anybody as odd, that for such a well-respected coach, he's not had another job in football since ?


Or have I missed something ?

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I would say more of a problem was that he wasn't replaced with a similar sort of sounding board. Rather than him being the defining factor. Although we had a pretty decent 08/09 season, so it pisses on that idea.


I remember there was some mention on here of Rafa altering the training schedule for that year, as he felt that Pakos training regime was hindering the league performance.

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Its like Brian Clough without Peter Taylor


Rafa has never been the same without him and it actually has not much to do in how good a coach Pako was it was the fact he could question Rafa and get away with it, he was Rafa's checks and Balances but unfortunately Rafa's ego got the better of him and I am sure if Pako had stayed history would have been different to us especially with the dross we currently have at the club.


Says a lot about the man that he was invited to Xabi's wedding and Rafa wasnt

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Its like Brian Clough without Peter Taylor


Rafa has never been the same without him and it actually has not much to do in how good a coach Pako was it was the fact he could question Rafa and get away with it, he was Rafa's checks and Balances but unfortunately Rafa's ego got the better of him and I am sure if Pako had stayed history would have been different to us especially with the dross we currently have at the club.


Says a lot about the man that he was invited to Xabi's wedding and Rafa wasnt


We scored more goals than Arsenal, Chelsea & Man Utd in all competitions in the 07/08 season and got to a champions league semi final losing the tie only because of a moment of stupidity from Riise. We also had our best domestic season finishing 2nd in 08/09 and got to the champions league quarter finals beating Real Madrid 4-0 on the way.


Those were all without Pako.

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