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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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One of them in work is already putting in the mental groundwork for us if we go on and win the CL.


"Typical of that lot. They get the format changed to their liking because of the ESL and they'll win it the first year its a new dodgy forest to protect the elite. As far as I'm concerned it's not the European Cup anymore and it's a complete farce". 

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10 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

One of them in work is already putting in the mental groundwork for us if we go on and win the CL.


"Typical of that lot. They get the format changed to their liking because of the ESL and they'll win it the first year its a new dodgy forest to protect the elite. As far as I'm concerned it's not the European Cup anymore and it's a complete farce". 

But it hasnt been the European Cup since the start of the Champions League.  Of course they've hardly played in it so it's understandable why they'd make such a mistake. 

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According to him as well we have only won 4 European Cups because two were draws (1984 and 2005).


Add in all the imaginary ones they would have won too if Heysel never happened and they'd probably have more than us.  


The mad world of a bitter Evertonian. They must stay awake at night thinking up all these scenarios. Surely it would be easier and less stressful for them just to accept reality?

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2 hours ago, Pete said:

But it hasnt been the European Cup since the start of the Champions League.  Of course they've hardly played in it so it's understandable why they'd make such a mistake. 

They haven't ever played in the Champions League, Collina came out of retirement by order of UEFA to ensure Everton didn't get out of the qualifying round.

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3 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

One of them in work is already putting in the mental groundwork for us if we go on and win the CL.





One of my fave things to come from that fucking melting point of lunatics. This mad twat was talking about the 2018 and 2019 Champions League finals.

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3 hours ago, Block305 said:





One of my fave things to come from that fucking melting point of lunatics. This mad twat was talking about the 2018 and 2019 Champions League finals.


Thats pretty much the spiel they come out with in a pub. Utter nonsense but said with such confidence. 

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7 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

One of them in work is already putting in the mental groundwork for us if we go on and win the CL.


"Typical of that lot. They get the format changed to their liking because of the ESL and they'll win it the first year its a new dodgy forest to protect the elite. As far as I'm concerned it's not the European Cup anymore and it's a complete farce". 

If only it wasn’t also to Juventus, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid, AC Milan, Inter Milan, Man City & Arsenal’s benefit as well…


…unfortunately not all those clubs are making it look as easy as us. 

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14 hours ago, Block305 said:





One of my fave things to come from that fucking melting point of lunatics. This mad twat was talking about the 2018 and 2019 Champions League finals.


As if Everton are ever going to be ranked 8th best in a 32 team contest. Utter madness….

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15 hours ago, Block305 said:





One of my fave things to come from that fucking melting point of lunatics. This mad twat was talking about the 2018 and 2019 Champions League finals.

If he even has a wife I'd loved to have been there when she asked, "what are doing there?"

Fuckin mental.

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18 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

According to him as well we have only won 4 European Cups because two were draws (1984 and 2005).


Add in all the imaginary ones they would have won too if Heysel never happened and they'd probably have more than us.  


The mad world of a bitter Evertonian. They must stay awake at night thinking up all these scenarios. Surely it would be easier and less stressful for them just to accept reality?

Hang on. They’d have won more than Madrid all while having a 200k capacity ground that preserved the L4 area with an all local fan base. 

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