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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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7 minutes ago, Dapower said:

Not winning this next week will be a massive failure they are shit and even if they produce their seasons best like they did last season should still not be enough 

If we play the team in front of us as opposed to the occasion and location we'll batter them.

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Will be interesting to see team we pick.


Slot has shown he isn't big on messing around in big games and this is a big game regardless of how shite they are. 


It's big in terms of it is the derby and they will be desperate to win in front of a rabid pit - it is big in terms of making sure we consolidate the win we had today.


But we haven't got a lot of options to rotate anyway - defence is down by 3 options. He can shuffle a little in midfield - and we will possibly have maybe Chiesa available further forward, but frankly it is the last place i'd be throwing him in the side - he hasn't yet shown he has the stomach for what we'll face there.


So hopefully have had no more injuries today, we get out of weds clear too and we can finish a massive 10 days strongly at the pit.

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10 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

The question is how anyone could think Everton would be closer to Liverpool?  He obviously must have thought we would fall off a cliff with Klopp leaving, and seriously overrated Everton’s ability based on last season. I wouldn’t think many outsiders would have come to such a conclusion.


Come on. If it wasn't for premier League corruption and the distraction and points deduction last season, they were deffo good enough to qualify for Europe. Maybe even a chance of a CL place. It was only the red witch hunt that stopped them. 


9 hours ago, rubble-rouser said:

Pickford is fucking dogshit 


except when he play us

Well not always. He has only got little arms after all. 




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Just now, AngryOfTuebrook said:

It's early December and their next match is a relegation six-pointer. If they fail to win against Wolves, you would have to start to fear for them.

They'll probably spawn a 1-0 win off a set piece against Wolves then just go all out to kick us off the pitch on Saturday. The only good thing about Saturday is them getting overcome by the occasion of their last cup final there. Hopefully we just remain calm and professional and take them apart. 

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9 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

To be fair that’s not many tickets available. And it is Christmas coming up. 
Although I did read one comment on Facebook -tomorrow’s game clashes with the Christmas lights being switched on in Rhyl.

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26 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Palace and Leicester both won tonight, leapfrogging Everton in the table. If they lose at home to Wolves tomorrow they’ll be in the bottom three. 

Oh dear, oh dear. Oh dear. 

When they lose to Wolves tomorrow. 

I can easily see Everton finishing 18th his season, only to be saved by City when they are relegated for fraud. 

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