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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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6 hours ago, Rocky Sullivan said:

You see what you don’t understand is that winning the European Cup would have set Everton on a path of prolonged domination. Just like it did for Forest and Villa. 


Look at the current league table, my friend. Forest and Villa reaping the rewards of their European successes of the early-'80s.

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15 minutes ago, Shitty Arse said:

What’s this about one side of their ground having the steepest gradient in the division? The Blue Wall. Is this for real or just some shite that’s been made up on the internet to make them feel better? 

It doesn't seem likely, although I'm not sure anyone is actually measuring that shit. Their ground looks like any generic bowl from the inside. 


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14 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

Everton now part of "The red cartel"


You hate to see it!




Go ahead. Imagine going to sky or TNT offering a new top flight league and then saying by the way there's no Liverpool,Man utd or Arsenal involved. And other than City it's been 30 years since any of us won a trophy

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6 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Nice enough ground but very generic looking. Hardly going to attract anybody based on that alone.

Does any new stadium really attract new people though? Surely people go for the sport. I can see if it's a good stadium, good facilities and good location, it might help them win more non-supporting stuff. As iconic as we like to think anfield is, I'm not sure music promoter's will care much about the name and will focus on how much they can make. But aside from that, I think their fans will turn up as they do now. 

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Why would anyone celebrate having the steepest gradient? And the blue wall? Don’t make me laugh. The fucking Boo wall. Watch how they try and make it like the Kop and start telling tales that it’s louder etc. 


“Number 7 in the bag there Kev” 


“Warm balls as usual, everyone knows Bayern Munich, Real Madrid and Man City are busted flushes. Anyway some German architects have been to the best ground in Europe, Dortmund want to knock down their Yellow wall and copy our gradient. You see kopite, everyone wants to be like us. Slot hits golf balls into playgrounds” 

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

Does any new stadium really attract new people though? Surely people go for the sport. I can see if it's a good stadium, good facilities and good location, it might help them win more non-supporting stuff. As iconic as we like to think anfield is, I'm not sure music promoter's will care much about the name and will focus on how much they can make. But aside from that, I think their fans will turn up as they do now. 

New ones? Not at all. Places like the Nou Camp,San Siro etc are iconic but heavily linked to the highly successful teams who play there. People have already forgotten that Arsenal and Spurs play in relatively modern stadiums as it means very little from a positive point of view.

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3 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

It doesn't seem likely, although I'm not sure anyone is actually measuring that shit. Their ground looks like any generic bowl from the inside. 


Looks shite inside just a bigger version of Leicester's ground.


Outside does look good to be fair.

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9 minutes ago, an tha said:

Looks shite inside just a bigger version of Leicester's ground.


Outside does look good to be fair.


I like how it looks from the top of boundary street. But I don't much like it from other angles, especially from the river. But to be fair to them, their current place is a shithole. Leicester's ground would be a massive step up and imagine in terms of fit out, it'll be much above Leicester's stadium. 



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16 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


I like how it looks from the top of boundary street. But I don't much like it from other angles, especially from the river. But to be fair to them, their current place is a shithole. Leicester's ground would be a massive step up and imagine in terms of fit out, it'll be much above Leicester's stadium. 



The ground is gonna be decent as they've spent a bomb on it and it is brand new.


But it is the way some of them go on about it that just irritates me - they can't just get on with it and be pleased but dignified about it, they have to call it all sorts of silly things and make all sorts of silly claims about what it is going to do for them.

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8 minutes ago, an tha said:

The ground is gonna be decent as they've spent a bomb on it and it is brand new.


But it is the way some of them go on about it that just irritates me - they can't just get on with it and be pleased but dignified about it, they have to call it all sorts of silly things and make all sorts of silly claims about what it is going to do for them.


It's the claim that were in anyway jealous that gets me. I'd be fucking fuming if we'd just built that. 

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5 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


It's the claim that were in anyway jealous that gets me. I'd be fucking fuming if we'd just built that. 

Aye plus all the loft extension shouts.


And of course the 'building our 3rd ground in the city"


They are just so desperate for attention and to be relevant - they have a really, really, really fucking bad case of small man syndrome.

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6 hours ago, Lee909 said:


Go ahead. Imagine going to sky or TNT offering a new top flight league and then saying by the way there's no Liverpool,Man utd or Arsenal involved. And other than City it's been 30 years since any of us won a trophy

Imagine going to City and saying "Fancy a breakaway league with Everton and Palace?"

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