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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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Don't think they need a scary night. They've got it all sorted-


The haunting laughter of millions online, including hundreds of thousands of people on Merseyside a couple of dozen times a season, and the existential terror of knowing that you're endlessly circling the drain, cheating with a ridiculously expensive white elephant of a stadium which'll be a dead weight for decades as you try and pay it back.


That'd keep any one up at night.

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Their walk back into town, during the winter, they’ve been beaten again, and it’s pissing down - because there won’t be enough cabs to go around - will be quite something.


To regenerate an area, it’ll need a damn site more than one busy weekend every other weekend, bar the odd early entry and knockout of cups, to regenerate it.

The Tai Pan is gearing up for things with a pay and display car park. Unless they all decide to march down from the Red Brick en masse, from county road, of course. 


It’ll get on their tits.

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8 hours ago, Chip Butty said:

Their walk back into town, during the winter, they’ve been beaten again, and it’s pissing down - because there won’t be enough cabs to go around - will be quite something.


To regenerate an area, it’ll need a damn site more than one busy weekend every other weekend, bar the odd early entry and knockout of cups, to regenerate it.

The Tai Pan is gearing up for things with a pay and display car park. Unless they all decide to march down from the Red Brick en masse, from county road, of course. 


It’ll get on their tits.

Don't you know the new ground is in town?

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17 minutes ago, an tha said:

Zero chance these go down.


Too much absolute shite in league for it to happen.


Yeah, I've watched that game this afternoon. As much as I've hoped Ipswich have it in them, this is too big a leap for them. That was men against boys there today. There was quite a few of those Ipswich players looked like they didn't want to be there. 

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5 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


Yeah, I've watched that game this afternoon. As much as I've hoped Ipswich have it in them, this is too big a leap for them. That was men against boys there today. There was quite a few of those Ipswich players looked like they didn't want to be there. 

Yeah sadly.


The shite will be 14th/15th without too much bother.

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2 minutes ago, an tha said:

Yeah sadly.


The shite will be 14th/15th without too much bother.


Unless there's big turnarounds, Ipswich and Southampton look completely gone to me. Ipswich have had some close games before their last couple. They have some tidy players, but too many of their main players are hopelessly out of their depth at this level. Morsey and Phillips were shocking today. It feels the gap between the leagues is getting bigger. Personally I think these managers desperate to put style over substance are playing a big part. None seem willing to dog it out like Dyche would. 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


Unless there's big turnarounds, Ipswich and Southampton look completely gone to me. Ipswich have had some close games before their last couple. They have some tidy players, but too many of their main players are hopelessly out of their depth at this level. Morsey and Phillips were shocking today. It feels the gap between the leagues is getting bigger. Personally I think these managers desperate to put style over substance are playing a big part. None seem willing to dog it out like Dyche would. 

Kalvin Phillips is a fucking myth.


An absolute waster.

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12 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


Unless there's big turnarounds, Ipswich and Southampton look completely gone to me. Ipswich have had some close games before their last couple. They have some tidy players, but too many of their main players are hopelessly out of their depth at this level. Morsey and Phillips were shocking today. It feels the gap between the leagues is getting bigger. Personally I think these managers desperate to put style over substance are playing a big part. None seem willing to dog it out like Dyche would. 

The gap between the leagues is deffo growing - never been bigger.


The shite are actually proof that dogging it out when low on quality is better.

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I’m 46 and lived, worked and gone the match from the first 3 postcodes of Liverpool all my life and two things; 


I can never be amazed at how much Liverpool wining a big TV game does to them mentally and emotionally…see below for the lies they regularly make up. Just to comfort themselves from this. 

Also, how much they completely ignore local and matchgoing support and immediately compare themselves to - and ridicule - what they take for the lowest common denominator, people who watch football casually on TV. 

If I ever find myself in a conversation with a matchgoing blue, they always start the edgy stuff before it usually dissipates when they find out I go. 

I know I keep linking this shithole 90’s board but for younger and out of town reds, never forget how hateful and odious most of them are towards us, even to the point of making up lies and inventing fictional scenarios where they end up the wholesome hero, just to protect themselves from Liverpool winning a league game;





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27 minutes ago, Bourbon said:

I’m 46 and lived, worked and gone the match from the first 3 postcodes of Liverpool all my life and two things; 


I can never be amazed at how much Liverpool wining a big TV game does to them mentally and emotionally…see below for the lies they regularly make up. Just to comfort themselves from this. 

Also, how much they completely ignore local and matchgoing support and immediately compare themselves to - and ridicule - what they take for the lowest common denominator, people who watch football casually on TV. 

If I ever find myself in a conversation with a matchgoing blue, they always start the edgy stuff before it usually dissipates when they find out I go. 

I know I keep linking this shithole 90’s board but for younger and out of town reds, never forget how hateful and odious most of them are towards us, even to the point of making up lies and inventing fictional scenarios where they end up the wholesome hero, just to protect themselves from Liverpool winning a league game;







Patting themselves on the back after lie after lie. 


I had to laugh, one of them has this as his signature "How can you tell if someone is a Kopite? If the hat, scarf, T shirt or tattoo isn't enough of a clue, they will have told you within two sentences. Basically, it's a cult." fuck me an EVERTONIAN saying that about any other club is fucking hypocrisy at it's finest. Strontium Dog levels of hypocrisy. 

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44 minutes ago, Bourbon said:

I’m 46 and lived, worked and gone the match from the first 3 postcodes of Liverpool all my life and two things; 


I can never be amazed at how much Liverpool wining a big TV game does to them mentally and emotionally…see below for the lies they regularly make up. Just to comfort themselves from this. 

Also, how much they completely ignore local and matchgoing support and immediately compare themselves to - and ridicule - what they take for the lowest common denominator, people who watch football casually on TV. 

If I ever find myself in a conversation with a matchgoing blue, they always start the edgy stuff before it usually dissipates when they find out I go. 

I know I keep linking this shithole 90’s board but for younger and out of town reds, never forget how hateful and odious most of them are towards us, even to the point of making up lies and inventing fictional scenarios where they end up the wholesome hero, just to protect themselves from Liverpool winning a league game;





This helmet in that thread - Block 23 you say - no such block, knobhead.....watch the colour drain from his face.


I have a new response to strangers who are 'lifelong reds' that approach me to talk about football.

I try as hard as possible to not let on who I support. The minute they say they are reds (which lets face it, is never very long) I say "oh aye, which part of the ground do you sit in?".

For the ones that then try to blag it out and pick a stand (usually the Kop) my next response is "fantastic, that's where I sit, I'm in block 23, what one are you in?" and then watch the colour drain from their face.

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My mate and his Mrs were out in town Saturday afternoon and went to some pub opposite the aloft Hotel. Its a weird bar that would be more at home on that street where the blob shop is or opposite central station is as it has the racing on and shite cheap beer for people who go off their heads if they have to pay more than £3.50 for a pint.


He was sitting outside when the place erupted around 5.00 and they all started sing that shite Spirit of the Blues song and jumping up and down then starting off into a rendition of "we don't care what the redshite say".


My mate just said to one of them "I thought Liverpool and Chelsea were playing tomorrow?. What are you all celebrating?". He gets told that they've just beaten the mighty Ipswich away yet they are all celebrating like Liverpool have lost a cup final or Everton had secured a memorable victory against some top level opponents. But no, they beat Ipswich and the place was bouncing but still singing about Liverpool. Fucking weird.

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46 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:



Patting themselves on the back after lie after lie. 


I had to laugh, one of them has this as his signature "How can you tell if someone is a Kopite? If the hat, scarf, T shirt or tattoo isn't enough of a clue, they will have told you within two sentences. Basically, it's a cult." fuck me an EVERTONIAN saying that about any other club is fucking hypocrisy at it's finest. Strontium Dog levels of hypocrisy. 

I know loads of them who make their entire life and personality about being a bitter blue. My cousin mentions "great Evertonian" in every sentence when describing his mates. 


All of them have z cars as their ringtone even though most normal people have their phones on silent. Let's not even get onto their weird obsession with the colour red acting like vampires avoiding Holy water and garlic. 

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Evertonians are the only people who brag about other people's players. 


I lost count of the conversations I'd had along the lines of: 


"He's boss Owen."


"Not as good as Henry, some player him."


"Yeah but he doesn't play for you?"


They live vicariously through other clubs, usually the one that we're up against for a trophy. I bet they all love De Bruyne these days. 


Imagine being arsed?


I hate the mancs and always have, but expend no thought on them other than looking for their results on Saturday and hoping they lose. 

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