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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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23 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

I was thinking more Ritchie when he's on his computer date with the Countess (or whatever she is) and pretending to rich.


"All my main castles are in the north, you start off in Berkshire and end up in Twatshire."

A little late, but here's actual footage of Moshiri chasing 777 to check on their financial proposals.


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9 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

They're all kicking off today because the council have put out their parking plan for the stadium, which basically has no parking. They want to "manage congestion and air quality and promote healthy habits" which is another way of saying WALK. 

In other words they didn't think about parking. Where would they park, there's nothing else there.

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Astonishing stuff about the 2 announce shows at anfield next summer, Springsteen & Billy Joel, some of it is beyond parody. 


In all my years of going to watch Liverpool, I haven’t once given a thought to which club’s stadiums do or don’t get live music events, let alone use it as bragging rights.


I wouldn't mind  but when there’s a match day thread on there, half of them are asking for illegal streams, the rabid matchgoing locals that they are; 



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11 minutes ago, Bourbon said:

Astonishing stuff about the 2 announce shows at anfield next summer, Springsteen & Billy Joel, some of it is beyond parody. 


In all my years of going to watch Liverpool, I haven’t once given a thought to which club’s stadiums do or don’t get live music events, let alone use it as bragging rights.


I wouldn't mind  but when there’s a match day thread on there, half of them are asking for illegal streams, the rabid matchgoing locals that they are; 



Hi, I'm Springsteen's agent and I'd like to book a stadium gig in Liverpool.


Splendid! We have two stadia.


Are they both fully built?


One is.


OK. I'll take that one.

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