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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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2 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:


If any of the top clubs wanted him they would have made a move for him years ago.


He's an Everton level goalkeeper.

They never knew how lucky they were to have Nev Southall, a player, and person, far above the level of any they ever had before or since. They were lucky that they had players of a similar quality in their famed '85 season, but alas, nothing lasts forever...

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The delusion is staggering. Dyche is spot on for them and has seen them be well clear of the drop because he knows how shite they are he knows how to work with their limitations to do enough to have them clear - he is the realism they needed and need, but they'll force him out because they are so deluded.


Hopefully someone comes in and buys into the delusion ala DeTory and they are finally flushed.

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7 hours ago, an tha said:

The delusion is staggering. Dyche is spot on for them and has seen them be well clear of the drop because he knows how shite they are he knows how to work with their limitations to do enough to have them clear - he is the realism they needed and need, but they'll force him out because they are so deluded.


Hopefully someone comes in and buys into the delusion ala DeTory and they are finally flushed.


Will the current ownership care what the fans think? I can't see moshiri sacking anyone. They can't afford the wages for another manager. In fact by all accounts, they can't afford the wages for the current staff! 

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Listening to Everton spaces waiting for Spirit of the Blues to go mental but some of the utter deluded drivel they come out with is baffling. 


"We've got the best centre half in world football"


"Moyes took the biggest job in world football and he's won a European cup:


"We are a massive club and have the best stadium in world football on the banks of the river mersey"

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